child cured of autism

Has anyone seen this?

Here’s the info from underneath the clip…

Holly Riley is the parent of a fully recovered autistic child, her son Quinn. Quinn was diagnosed with Autism around the age of two and yet in a just a few short years, through the use of biomedical treatment and traditional autism therapies, Quinn was able to come out of the Autism fog. In this video Holly shares that:

• Quinn was fairly normal in his infancy, until about 1.5 years
• After his first birthday he exhibited unusual behaviors including spinning
• He wasn’t talking, even at two years of age
• Holly figured out that Quinn had Autism after reading a book, and then confirmed the diagnosis with the State Department of Education
• By 2.5 years of age Quinn was receiving speech therapy, occupational therapy and Applied Behavior Analysis
• At 2.5 years his first words were, “up, up, up”
• Holly and her husband researched Autism on the Internet and read what other families did, and one of those things was the removal of dairy and gluten; also called the Gluten Free Casein Free Diet
• They discovered Generation Rescue, a website devoted to helping parents understand biomedical treatment and what therapies help reverse Autism
• There are multiple medical problems with most children who have Autism, including severe gut issues as well as heavy metal poisoning
• Removing dairy and gluten from the diet created major improvement for Quinn, including more eye contact and social interaction
• They found a DAN! Doctor - Defeat Autism Now Doctor
• Quinn had constipation and diarrhea, and the DAN! Doctor treated those medical issues
• Quinn went through various detoxification protocols, called Chelation Therapy, using various forms of chelating agents and delivery methods
• They treated the gut dysbiosis (bad microorganisms in the gut) with anti fungal medications and Probiotics (friendly bacteria for the gut)
• They used mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy
• They gave Methyl B12 injections, and they found that the B12 improved speech, and gave him daily doses of the B12 injections
• They rented a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, which helped Quinn immensely
• They did the specific carbohydrate diet
• They did Network Spinal Analysis and Somato Respiratory Integration
• Quinn had huge developmental spurts after doing the biomedical treatment.
• Quinn started Catholic Kindergarten and excelled immediately. In fact, he scored 98th percentile for speech in first grade whereas at 3.5 years he was in the 2nd percentile (via IBS Testing).

Thanks for sharing. I shared this with some of my friends who have children with autism on facebook. Hopefully this can help them help their children as well.
I have heard of , and actually have seen one child go through these therapies and I just saw him not to long ago , getting older and he is doing really well. The last time I saw hiim he was quite, didn’t look anyone in the eyes , didn’t interact.
When I saw him recently he was with his family interacting, smiling , just acting like a regular kid. So those therapies evidently do help.
I think it just doesn’t help with all of the toxins that we are surrounded by everyday.