child abuse video (dont watch with kids around).

Warningdont watch with kids around. Or before bed (you wont sleep).

But please do watch, and google baby Brianna Lopez. Join her cause on facebook, join a petition…dont let this baby’s situation go unnoticed.

I think everyone in every country should lobby to make child abusers get life sentences…the maximum (or the death penalty if that’s available).
And huge sentences for those who know abuse is occuring, but dont report it.

Here’s a really awful story. I feel like throwing up. I hope it spurs you all to act. In Australia curently, child abuse doesnt get much of a sentence. Many get off!! It’s utterly appalling.

I have not seen such a worst kind of child abuse. It chilled my spine.

Even in very poor underdeveloped countries, they wont do this to an infant… definetely wont inflict so much pain…

The child looks like an angel…

Even Animals and birds are taking care of their young ones better than these devils. I feel terrible and sorry and pained and tears well up my eyes. I cant sleep today.

That’s so sad. I won’t even say what I would like to do to people who do things like that. Let’s just say they wouldn’t see the comfort of prison. At least the poor baby is in a better place where she’ll never have to live with abuse or the memory of abuse. Unfortunately, there are stories on the news of children being brutally abused or being killed all the time. All I can hope is that the the other inmates in prison know what these people have done b/c they don’t look favorably on child abusers, rapists or child murderers. And it would be nice if they could get life sentences (and not be separated from the other inmates) so they can endure prison abuse for the rest of their lives.

Maybe if we all took a break from our flashcards for 5 minutes and wrote to a politician including this clip, or articles about it. We should lobby and petition, and post this clip on facebook pages, other chat sites/forums we might be on. Dont let her be forgotten, and her suffering, which was unfathomable, be for nothing (I didnt sleep well either, as I was cuddling my baby just getting image after image of what was done to little Briana. I dont believe in abortion, but in her case, she wouldve been better off.) If only her parents had been abortions.

Send this clip on. Advertise her plight. Keep her memory alive, and lobby your country to bring in…

Brianas law

  1. Life imprisonment/death penalty (maximum sentences…increase the sentences) for bad child abuse (physical and/or sexual)
  2. Big prison terms for those who know but let it happen and dont report it. (Many many years)
  3. Not to be protected in prison, but housed with other prisoners.
  4. Identity cannot be changed or protected…everyone to know who they are and what they’ve done. Public shaming.

I’m sorry nikita but can you please put something up on your original post about how extremely terrible this is. I really couldnt handle this and totally scared my kids, who were in another room, because I was screaming and shaking after watching 20 seconds. I really never thought something so terrible could possibly happen. I don’t expect these monsters to last as long as Jeffery Dahmer in prison.

Sorry Twinergy. Have modified it. I saw it last thing before going to bed, just before finding Pupiseks clips on youtube (now in Playlist 4). My nearly 4 month old was in her cradle, as I was hoping to get the babies out and get some space in bed. I just wanted to go grab her out of there and cuddle her all night. Which I normally do. I just lay there with her in my arms with all these images. Mainly the being thrown at the ceiling and smashing to the floor. Articles I’ve since read said that happened 3 times.
I have hardly stopped thinking about it since. I cant just let this one slide by. I have to speak out. I have to take whatever action I can to publicise this and bring something USEFUL out of it. I want Brianna’s Law. I want her to never be forgotten. For everyone on earth to know about her.
It appears the 3 monsters are in solitary confinement or some sort of protection. That in itself is something I want changed in the law. They should be housed with the Jeffrey Dahmers and Fred Wests of the world. And the prison guards should be made to turn their heads the other way when they get abused and attacked.
Here’s a petition to start with…the family erected a cage around her gravesite so no-one could visit her. And the money the community raised to put a headstone etc cant be used until people lobby to get this cage removed.

Oh Sweet Briana

My eyes are filled with tears as I recall the pictures I just saw of you. Sweet sweet Briana, I am so sorry that we as a society have failed you. I am so sorry that you had to experience this horrific pain. I am so sorry that you did not enjoy the love that a family is supposed to bring. Tears are rushing down my face as I think about how God’s heart ached as you were mistreated. Precious Briana. Precious little one. I am sorry. I am sorry that the adults in your life did not protect you. I am sorry for all the other children in this world who are also being abused and are not being helped. I will pray that your beautiful little face is etched on the minds of all those who see it and that we will do what we can to stop this madness. I will pray that God will give us ears to hear and eyes to see who we are to protect and help. Briana, may your life not be in vain.