cerebral palsy / quadriplegia

I am reposting my “introduction” message in case there are other parents of children facing similar challenges who would like to discuss teaching our special kiddos.

I am a soon-to-be adoptive mom of a little boy who is 2yrs 10months old. He is quadriplegic cerebral palsy, seizures, and severe reflux. He is currently not mobile, eats through a g-tube, and non-verbal. He also has some cortical visual impairment. His problems with any kind of motor movement make it difficult to determine his level of cognitive functioning, but he is a great fellow to be around. He is very social and loves to interact with people. He doesn’t talk, but certainly communicates his like and dislikes with his voice, eye contact, and facial expressions. We are hoping to help him find his “voice” and express himself, whether it is by talking or some alternative method of communication, like an augmentive communication device. We are also going to do everything we can to teach him to read, even if his teachers and therapists think we are crazy! I would LOVE to chat with someone who has a child with similar challenges about their experiences.


How wonderful that you are adopting him and giving him a good life!

Yes, how awesome of you and your husband. I wish you tons of blessings on your journey!! Karma to you.

What an amazing story!! I am praying for you! Best wishes in your journey.

Hope you find the best ways to help him. May you have the power to do that!
It’s a wonderful thing!


Congrats on your little boy! Hope the rest of the adoption goes smoothly.

Hi! It is just great from you!
My daughter has the samediagnosis.
We are doing glenn doman program for 2,5 years.
In 2 weaks after beginning my daughter started to crawl. In 2 years she started to creep and talk.
She besme a very happy girl. This program really helps! It is very diffucult though.

God bless you!!!

Kelly , good to hear from you . my isa has same diagnosis . We also did doman physical and intellectual program for years , unfortunately this program has its limitation and not being careful it can cause devastating damage to your child’s body , depending on how severe your child is . of course for some kids just giving them the opportunity to be on he floor and use their body allow them to progress , the intellectual program is amazing and my daughter excelled on it , but the physical program , patterning , and distance crawling hurt my daughter’s body more than helping her . if you like more info on what we are currently doing please pm me or email me at bellaaziz22@hotmail.com