CD that names the composer & title before each song?

I’ve been searching for a couple days now and can’t seem to find what I’m looking for - besides a couple CDs that put lyrics with the classics songs (i just want the orginal song). I want something that states the composer and the title of each classical song before playing the song. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you!!

No ideas, but I have thought that I wanted that, too!

Sadly no :frowning: But if you find anything please let me know

Have you looked into “Themes To Remember”?

You may want to read the review on Amazon. Hope this helps.

Karma to you! Thank-you for sharing. I just emailed one of the suppliers to find out total cost including shipping. That program looks wonderful, have you tried it?

Following DadDudde’s advice in one of his post - I bought a cd (forgot the name) but it is 99 classicals - it does not have the whole melody but enough to identify the song. I am still working on that ppt - would love to share what I have so far but there is a problem : I can post the ppt here but since the audio is attached as a link - once posted here the link will be broken.

Does anyone know how should I post ppts and not to lose the sound clips imported?

I know if you record the clip it will travel with the presentation but that is not the case if you import the sound.

I am also adding a picture of each composer and a link to a video to the full length song.

as I said it is still work in progress - for whatever is useful here it is. Will be posted now.
classical 99


ps: you could also order the cd from amazon as I did (costed me $1,50 plus shipping) for details on the name pls see daddude post history if you are interested. I am almost sure the name was The idiot’s guide to classical music) then you can add the links your self - that is the easy part :wink:

Do a search for classical magic on the forum. There are a few discussions about it. I have used it, and it’s great. Just know that it only includes short clips of classical songs, and then it has a catchy remake with lyrics. BTW, when I bought the 2 sets from Amazon, they had free super saver shipping.

Except free super saver shipping doesnt apply to overseas anywhere. But if you buy the ones marked that, you are guaranteed to get the amazon overseas shipping rate, which is cheaper than buying from other sellers thru amazon, even buying 2nd-hand, as the postage is so much more!

They don’t seem to sell this item new on or .com. I contacted a place called Sing’nLearn and am waiting for a qoute on shipping charges, but the actual product is $29.95

Thanks everyone! I believe I found it on Amazon (but Amazon doesn’t actually sell it, it’s other sellers) -

It does have a track with the orginal songs, but I don’t think it states anything about the composer beforehand because I read somewhere that that track is good for quizes.

Overall, the CD has great reviews. I might end up getting it just because of the rave reviews…but I like just having the orginials as background music around the house. I suppose I could just make my own CD by recording myself saying the composer/title and it before each song…but I’d rather buy something. I’ll let you know if I find anything!

I have these 2 volumes of Theme to remember! very good books - Highly reccomend them


The cd plays the song twice. Once is the orginal, the second is with lyrics that include the composers name. Its kind of like a sublimital(sp?) message if you will. It teachs them the composers name without them even knowing their learning.
I call this place today and the book/cd is 29.95 US, and they are charging me $9.77 to ship to Canada. Maybe give them a call and see if they are cheaper then amazon :slight_smile:

[ To TheyCan: They did mention the composer beforehand. ]

I have volume one of “Themes to remember”. Unfortunately, my 5-year-old did not really care for this CD, instead she LOVES “Beethoven’s Wig” CDs that we borrowed form the library. She likes to sing along with those CDs.

I will play “Themes to remember” CD more to my son and see if he likes it.

oh YAY!! So glad to know they mention it beforehand on that track!! Thank you!!!