Cartoon or Real Picture in Flash Cards???


I saw many flash cards ppt available on internet and saw that some uses cartoon of the object and some uses real picture of the object.
I am not sure which one is better to start with.
I have a 6 months old baby and i have to start with him.

Please advise.

I’d be highly interested in what people have to say about this, too, as I am now determining proportions of photographs to illustrations in WatchKnow Reader.

Basically, I don’t like cartoons (i.e., unrealistic drawings). If we use many drawings, they should be highly realistic. The point of the illustrations is to teach children the meanings of the words, and so they need to be as realistic, and also as stereotypical, as possible.

I definitely prefer real pictures, especially for younger kids and babies. It’s much easier for a baby to learn what an object is if he/she is looking at the actual representation of an item.

I have always been uncomfortable using cartoons in flashcards. Its one thing with older children, but with babies I think it is equally important that we show them meaningful pictures - are they really going to recognise a living horse or gorilla from their clipart images?

I highly prefer photographs also. Even if you use a photo for the first few times and later show illustrations of the item, I think that is better…

As a matter of fact, with an older infant it might be good to introduce illustrations because then you could comment to them on the art work and discuss the similarities of the art compared to the real thing…

I always choose real pictures.children get very interested in these…