car seat right place?

I have a question, where do put the car seat in your car? I mean in the backsite of the driver, or in the middle or in the back seat of the co driver.
When I was at the hopsital ,my baby just borned the nurses advice me to put the car seat in the middle back because in case of accident she doesn’t get hurt in the sides seat.
but I never seen kids ride in the middle ,always ride in the sides…what about you?

Mine is behind the driver seat so i don’t have to walk around the other side of the car. I think it would be too hard to have the seat in the middle b/c you would have to practically crawl in and out of the car to get your kid in and out.

Yes , I have to get into the car to get her…sometimes is dificult…but I am so used to… lol

I think it is said that the middle backseat is the safest. However, if you have multiple children you really don’t have a choice but to put someone on the side.

I have a mini van that has two bucket seats on the sides. It would be too dificult to put a car seat in the third row seat. Because like nhockaday said, you would literally have to crawl all the way in to reach baby.

I personally like my smallest one to be behind the passenger seat. That way when I am the driver I can easily peek over my shoulder to look at him and he can see me too.

That’s right! I understand. Thank you sb1201
We just have one baby I guess we will keep her in the middle backseat…until we have another baby.

I place my daughter’s seat in the middle of the back. I think that it is safer and it makes it easier to pass things to her if need be. She hated riding in the car until I switched her to the middle. I think because it helps her see out of the front window more clearly.


I strongly recommend to have the car seat been check by a proffesional. One of my friends said he knew how to do it and he helped us. I was not 100% sure of the instalations so I called on of the clinics and they gave us the phone number for a non-profit organization that does itfor you and explains you why.

The middle of the backseat is the safest place, BUT it really depends on what kind of car you have and where the seat belts are place (I know is sound crazy :blink: ). We had two bases installed, one in each car. In my husband’s the base was placed in the middle, but in my car they had to place it behind the passanger’s seat because how the seat belts of my car where placed.

We got the information at the hospital were I was having my ob-gyn appointments. Call the closest fire station, in most cities they are authorized to do it for you.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

i live near mesquite nevada! out here the savation army has a group called family to family! they have people who are certified in the car seat stuff! once a month the have a day when you can go down there and they will make sure that everything is setup to the safety specs! they make sure that your car seat is in the right place in the car, facing the right way, straps are at the right tension, the even make sure that your little on is in the right car seat for there age, height, and weight! and if not they have car seats that they will set you up with one for what ever you can donate! we were a little broke the month we went to go see them, so we were only able to give them 15 bucks, but we got a 40 dollar car seat. i’m sure if all of them do this but it wouldn’t hurt to check!

Yes, car seats are really important for our kids safety.
Thanks for the tips everybody!! :slight_smile:
Have a nice day.

hello there,

I placed my child car seat at the back of the driver passenger. Previously, she does not want to be seated in the car seat and I have to hold her but eventually when she was a bit older and we told her about how important it is to be seated in the car seat, she understand. Although sometimes, she cried when we put her in the car seat, but it just for a while.

And maybe i will try to place the car seat at the middle so that she can see the front…what a brilliant idea!!! :slight_smile: thank you SasquatchDad…

yes , Catalina loves driving in the middle back, she can see us, and it is easy for us to see her too.We just changed car sets last week form baby car seat to toddler car seat… she loves it, she is still being sitting in the middle back seat, thanks guys I know now we did good … before i tought are we the only parents in town having their kids in the middle back seat?? but now I know you do that too…and it is safe.