Can you recommend a good book? Non fiction adult reads

Hi all! So I seem to have gotten to the end of my reading list and was wondering which one I didn’t actually read. You have all made some wonderful suggestions over the past year ( most of them all in a matter of weeks! :tongue: ) it took me a while but I have run out of books in the iPad and need my next fix.
I am looking for mind and life changing non fiction reads. You know the ones that make you quests what you do and how you think… Please make suggestions for me!

Did you read Po Bronsson’s Top Dog?

How about Amanda Ripley’s Smartest Kids in the World book about how important struggling is in education.

Oh goody! No I haven’t :biggrin: thank you.
I just finished reading ( yes cover to cover) the well trained mind. I highly recommend actually reading the book to anyone who is planning to homeschool even if not in the classical style. You will learn much!

I am impressed, Mandy. I have the book but have only read the sections as they have applied to my needs. It is quite a book.

I also like the Well Trained Mind, some other books I’ve read in the last year or so:

We Can Do (although this book is short, it has good information and is an inspirational story from what appears to be a very level headed young man)

Outliers (I really liked this book)

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (I liked this book, I know it was sensationalized in the media, but I found it really interesting)

Math Coach (Some good strategies to teaching math and helping explain tough concepts)

College @ 13 (I will give this an only okay rating as it was really more about girls who were accepted to an early admission program at a college, also it was more on the nature side of nature vs nurture then I personally subscribe)

Krista- it’s well worthy he time to read it through.
Oh I haven’t read WE CAN DO! That’s top of the list now! See I knew there would be at least one I hadn’t read from all the recommendations you all gave! Thank you!

I read What’s Math Got to Do With It last year. I found it to be very interesting. I would recommend it.

Mandy - did you do anything with the speed reading course that Vivianne was looking at. What were your thoughts? I know Susan Wise Bauer is not a proponent of speed reading.

I haven’t read “Accidental genius”, but I really want to:

Another one on my wish list is “Flying Fingers”.

Did you read the adult WTM book too?

I really liked Battel Hymn of a Tiger Mom also. You don’t have to agree with her parenting stle to like the book either.

There is a book written by a Tiger Baby. I think it is called Tiger Babies Bite Back.

Tiger Baby sounds interesting. I loved the book about the Tiger Mom. It was interesting to see her philosophy in action. You definitely see the contrast between the lax American parents versus the Tiger Moms. I personally strive for balance between the two. I think kids need to be pushed, but how hard?

Are you going to read anything which is non-fictional?

My discovery of the last year was Energy medicine by Donna Eden.
This book is not for total crazies. Author of the book is dyslectic, so her husband David Feinstein interviewed her and wrote the book. He is psychologist and pHD, and every chapter is started with literature review (I follwed some references, too). It is something unusual, to read such strange things written in such a logical way; these two things usually do not happen together! I found this book because I had back pain of psychosomatic origin. This book (and videos) can be very valuable for people who are depressed and feeling “lack of energy”. This book is also very interesting and easy to read, even if you are not going to apply it.

If you have back pain (it is almost epidemic nowadays) you should read
Sarno J.E., Healing back pain: the mind - body connection
which you can get for free here,%20208%20Books%20(part%202%20of%203)/Healing_Back_Pain_The_Mind.pdf
and also
Gary Craig, EFT for back pain

I cured my back; it was not easy; now I am the Lord of My Body :smiley:

Parenting. A year ago I was reading about sensitive children. Here was much about empathy and understanding, and also that discipline is needed. For discipline issues, a book about power struggles was recommended.

So I got: Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles: Winning for a Lifetime
by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

In this book I learned that I need more, more and more empathic attitude to my children. Many variations of “you are sad” and “you are angry” (I am rather emphatic, kind and responsive mother already, I think).
After one month of such approach I found that.

  • my 5 year old is making tantrums about almost everything;
  • my 2 year old is becoming more and more aggressive;
  • sometimes I am thinking about the possibility to shoot myself.

We call it “children are stepping on the head of their mother”.

I thought that:

  • if I will discipline them in a harsh and unprofessional way, that will be very traumatic for them;
  • if I will shoot myself, it definitely will be more traumatic for them. So lets do something.

In searching for keyword “respect”, I found:
Total transformation program,
see and

Say Goodbye to Disrespectful, Obnoxious and Abusive Behavior, and Regain Control of Your Child, Your Family & Your Life!

Well, this is Must Read even if your children are not using drugs, stealing, and living in prison :smiley:
After listening (it is audiobook) just two chapters, I was able to restore balance in my family and in myself.

Currently I am reading “Testing for kindergarten” by Karen Quinn.
It is very cheep here
Almost half of the book is about tests which are applied for 4-5 year old children in US (I am not located in US).
The largest part is about teaching 2 - 5 years old children, and this part is very, very good also for parents outside of US. For example, there is the best description I know about the dialogic reading. Author is very practical and realistic. She has a natural sense on what is working and what is not. This is definitely one of the best books I know about the toddler teaching. Maybe the very best.

You guys are great! Keep them coming.
I have read Battle Hymm of a Tiger Mother and loved it. I doubt I have ever read a book that made me question my parenting more. I learnt alot or I realised alot of what I do and why I do it. I highly recommend it. It will make you uncomfortable at least once…but is worth it.
I have read the adult version of the well trained mind but I read it first and I think I might get more from it now AFTER reading the well trained mind. So I will put a reread of it on my list. I was a heavy read the first time but I imagine now with some more background knowledge it will be much easier.
Krista- speed reading…I downloaded it. lol I actually forgot about it. I will do that! It is mostly audio and I have to find special time for audio and video. It doesn’t fit easily into my life…unless its child friendly. I think I haven’t bothered because my reading speed is getting faster again without it. I actually got it for the kids and to see what else I can learn so maybe I can get a bit faster again. ( and run out of books even faster!)
Edit: flying fingers looks like a good read to share with my big girl!
I think speed reading is an invaluable skill and I reckon Susan got that one wrong. I think speed reading with full comprehension is a perfect companion to classical education. Imagine how many more living books your kids would have time for if they read easily and effectively at 1200wpm! I can’t see a problem with that. I can see a problem with always speed reading as it would make it difficult to internalise good sentence structure and grammar. Assuming your speed reading involves word skimming that is. Not everyone does skim over words, some people just read them all faster. I am wondering if it would be possible to internalise sentence structure without subvocalisation though ?
Frukc- I read about a book a week in fiction ( usually fantasy or scifi, but I like true stories or stories with true basis) I have another series to read before I run out of ideas for those. it’s non fiction I ran out of and I like to read one of each at the same time ( cause I am moody lol ). I will check out your recommendations for total transformation and Karen Quinns book. I think I might already have it here somewhere…thank you.
Off to check out Korrale and Tamsyns suggestions now.

My new favorite is surprisingly not a parenting/early education book (I thought that was all I read lol ): “A Complaint Free World,” by Will Bowen. Totally changed the way I think about how I speak. It’s as big an influence on me as “Mindset,” and that was my absolute favorite of that list of recommended books last year. I read the second edition and glanced at the first; I think the second’s much better. Check it out!

After the last one, I will recommend also:
59 Seconds; Think a Little, Change a Lot
by Richard Wiseman

free preview is here

free download of audiobook is here
(I downloaded it 2 years ago; no registration and no viruses)

There are many positive thinking exercises recommended by self-help books.
There is also research on these exercises. Research shows that many these exercises are ineffective while some other really work. What works and what does not work?

Author starts with well known positive thinking tips and continues with other aspects. Subject by subject, author provides the newest research data. Some parenting also covered. With jokes.

Well, this is very, very interesting book if you are interested in psychology research.

Thankyou! A new audio is great. I am almost done with think and grow rich for my drive to work. I like positive thinking books. I usually get those in audio and listen on the way to and from work. I learn many things and arrive at work with a good attitude. I also get to shake the work blues before picking the kids up. :slight_smile:

Another great book is How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

Lol I am addicted to these sorts of books and audio books. Life changing stuff.
Anything by napoleon hill…the guy was a legend.
Anything by Jack canfield…hes a living legend
see you at the top by jim rohn
Anthony robbins is another cool one…he has some great techniques to take charge of your life and finances
the magic of believing…apparently this book made arnie into a superstar.
I got a ton others but running out of time.
Happy reading.

Another one I just read about today.

The Aptitude Myth.

And I am currently listening to How Children Succeed.

Thanks all I found some nice tips. :slight_smile:

Lezah, did you like How Children Succeed? That is John Holt, right?