Can you help, please?

Hello everybody! This forum is amazing and I have made so many friends here. I am grateful to be a part of it. So, I thought I would ask you fabulous people for your help.

In case you don’t know, we are the creators of the MonkiSee products for early learning. This is a family business and all of my children are involved and help in one way or another. Anyone who has watched our videos knows this. Well, we are releasing our newest video, ABC Roundup on June 28th, and I was wondering if any of you have ideas about how to market and sell more of our products. I would love to get the word out, but being a small family business we do not have the big advertising budget. If anyone has suggestions or ideas I welcome them and thank you in advance. You can find out more about the ABC Roundup here.

Here is a Behind the Scenes video of our latest project.

I eagerly look forward to some advice.


Sharing on the Facebook is one idea I know. I am not a marketing idea person by any means but this what came to my mind first. And Krista – congratulations on the new product!

Thanks, Skylark, for your quick reply and your encouragement. :slight_smile:

Ah Krista, you are amazing – your vision, determination and ability to create an awesome product and involve your kids, – outstanding!

Hi Krista,
I would check with your local radio stations because I know that Radio Disney does a weekly public affairs show to talk about kid subjects/issues. They don’t charge guests to come into the studio to talk about there issues. You couldn’t directly hard sell your product but you could talk about the importance of early child education inside the home. Also, I know that many community events will offer trade for sponsorships so you could do a short skit or demonstration at these events for a sponsorship (strictly trade/no cash). I used to be a promotions manager and always tried my best to help local businesses promote their business without spending any money or at least very little. Have a good day!

Thank you so much for these suggestions. Those are good ideas. I will see what I can find out here. I appreciate your help.