can I please have a top recommendation for math program for a 2.5yr old

Hi everyone,

Im really struggling at teaching this topic can I have some math programs recommendation for my little girl. Im looking for something preferably tactile as possible and I was also wondering is she old enough to teach the abacus?

At 2, the question is if she’s at the right STAGE to learn the abacus, heavens knows that a 2yo can learn Abacus. I think that Montessori could be an excellent fit for you. Marta, from Earlylearning-eaton, has a son around 2 and she’s beginning abacus with him now. You should contact her through her blog

You could also give Doman a try, I think DomanMom is the one whose had wonderful success with the program, even though she started ‘late.’ Her boy is going on 6yos and he’s done fantastic with the program, I love her blog.
But don’t take my word for it, check out her blog for yourself. I know her son helped her make some of the Doman Dot cards at around 2yos, and they had a lot of fun and were very creative about getting it all done and what not.

I’m still researching it, but Montessori seems like it is a great ‘background’ program to have going in your home.