can i do that?


1- my 3 years old learn english by little reader , but she stop for months and i don’t know if it is better to start from the first session or to continue, i know that Doman said in his book that we must continue but i want to replay the lessons because i want her little brother( 5 months) to participate.and because we left the LR for long months.

2- can i make the same lessons in little reader in 2 other languages and show them at the same time.or make a day for each language ,i don’t speak in these languages so is it enough to use just little reader? .

thanks a lot or helping…

You can start over with both children but if your oldest shows a lack of interest then switch back to where you were up to. Some children like the repetition others hate it. It doesn’t matter if your youngest child starts seeing the program halfway through. You can always continue from where you are at and then start the cycle again after you are finished for you little child. Just do what feels right by your children.
Fr multiple languages the parents here on the forum have tried everything from cycling days to one after another. Most parents seem to do each language each day or one language every day and the other two on rotation. If you can manage it dot he main language at the same time each day and the others in any regular routine you can manage. It all seems to work in the end. Children are much better at determining which language is what then we give them credit for. My kids are much better at it than me!

thanks Mandabplus3

if i want to teach my kid a language that i don’t know a word from it,is it enough to just show LR lessons???,

Yes for the first year or two. After that you will need some extension. Children will pick up the language faster the more they are exposed to it. So if you can find a real person or playgroup in that language all the better, or some DVDs and songs to use as a supplement then great.
Try little Pim or wink to learn and be sure to search in the forum for other ideas on language acquisition.
I am gradually teaching my children 3 languages NONE of which I speak. ( They each decided they wanted to learn a different language!) We just focus on adding a little bit of each language a day. Usually in the car audio. Are in no rush to be fluent but the little bit each day is defiantly working. And luckily I spend more time in the car than the kids do so I have SOME chance of keeping up witht heir learning lol