Can I change my son's sugar addiction eventually?

My son will turn 2 year old in a month. He started wanting candy very badly everyday.
Did any mom have such experience and can we change such behavier eventally?

Try dry fruits, fruits, a little honey… Do not have candy available at all, but have healthy snacks and treats. If he already experienced the taste of candy, it might take a little time to change, but if you are consistent and have other nice snacks available it would work. And in the long run it will be well worth it!

Stop giving him sugar! You are the parent and you decide what he eats and what he doesn’t eat. If sugar is not made available, and you say no, then he will eventually get used to it.

Agree, especially taking into consideration the effects of it…

Thanks a lot for the information!

Hello BabyDollAgain

I had this problem every time I went to my mother-in-law´s house because she wanted to glad my child and gave her candies, so once I asked the pediatrician and he told me: Stay away from the candies, don´t buy in your house and go with less frequency her grandma´s house. It solved my problem.

That is funny…I was going to said the same exactly phrase!
Also hide the candy for him, or even better DO NOT BUY CANDY!,don’t let him see you with candy even if you are eating it…because he will like some also. Yesterday we were to an office and they had candy for customers in the tables…of course my daughter will want some…she was asking me CANDY CANDY CANDY…I didn’t give it to her because I think candy is harmful for her health habits. I don’t know why offices, banks and even dentist offices have candy for customers!!! I always complain with my dentist about it…even him has chocolate at his office for customers. I tell him, that way you keep your customers caming back to your office eh?