Can anyone help me pretty up my blog

Hi Guys!
I’ve been writing in my blogger blog and I notice its so plain… Are there any talented people here that have a bit of time to help me pretty it up? I’m hoping to share my homeschooling and doman experience with everyone and want to make it more appealing.
Thanks so much

I wish I could help you but I have no knowledge about designing webs or blogs. Sorry!! :wacko:
Good luck.

I would love to read your blog! Please share the domain?
Here is a site that will show you how to do all sorts of things with your blog!

You can see what the backgrounds look like on my blog, here’s the address:

Wow thats great! Thanks so much!
My Domain is

I just checked out your blog. I love it. I really don’t know how to pretty up a blog but I think your blog is fine. It’s interesting to read. It is amazing how well Wesley is doing. You are doing a great job.


Id love to help you Monique, as this is a small hobby of mine, but funnily enough I’ve never customized a blogspot blog! lol Apparently my expertise only covers WordPress and blogs hosted in other domains.

Either way, here’s another website which might help you with your blog design:

They have a lot of free templates which you can choose from :biggrin: Good luck!

i also like the way you did your blog… so so informative plus i admire how you put all those infos altogether while I am struggling to build my own blog… have always started but end up doing nothing. it seems i lack persuasion…

Hey Guys! Someone on a blog gave me some tips on how to fix up my blog, so if you get a chance go check it out and tell me what you think!