Brillkids Reading for 4yr old

Just wondering if anyone here is using Brillkids Reading with their 4yr old? Right now we are using Your Baby Can Read and my daughter is enjoying that. I also downloaded the free trial of the Brillkids Reading and she enjoys that too. It seems to reinforce the words she is reading with the YBCR. Plus it seems to give her something different to look at too.

I also read about how fast little ones in the 3 and under catagory learn to read. How about 4yr olds? Do they have this same advantage? We began YBCR on Dec 31 and are recently on the 2nd DVD already. My daughter has picked up a lot of words and reads and recognizes them anywhere. Just not on her flashcards but in books , even on the computer here. I’m going to have to check her word count and see what she is up to now. But I know just after 5 days of YBCR she was reading and recognizing 14 words.
My daughter definitely loves to read. She grabs her flashcards and books and we play games and she reads her books every chance she gets. I am absolutely taking advantage of her excitement because it seems to be getting her far right now.

She also attends full day preschool right now. So after being gone all day she still wants to do her reading with me. I never push but she wants to.

If your daughter seems to do well at picking up words with this method then little reader may help. However, at 4 I would consider offering some sort of phonics to go along with it. She should be able to understand it at that age and it will help her connect the dots sooner.

My son is 4 and is reading quite well (books like Harry Potter, Original Winnie the Pooh, Jig-saw Jones, etc…). We did do little reader and I am using it with my 1 year old now. But we also did other things.

Here is what I found worke for us (of course every child is different):

  1. Leap frog letter factory to learn letters and sounds
  2. Then start after the letter learning secton of “The Ordinary Parents Guide to teaching reading” (Other books are “teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons” or maybe look at DadDude’s Flesh cards)
  3. I also had my son watch Preschool Prep “Meet the Sight Words” this taught him about 50 of the Dolch sight words so that he could read those words that he wasn’t quite ready to sound out
    This would be the point that LR might be helpful for you as it has a very similar format and can be used in a more flexible format to teach whole word recognition as well as reinforce phonetic rules
  4. As they are able to have them start reading Bob books or other easy phonetic readers

Once they start reading they really progress quite quickly and we would just go to the library every week and get easy readers to work on and moved up from level 1 to 2 to 3 and then easy chapter books.

Yes, actually I started out with phonics when she was 3. I have the 100 EZ lessons here and had taught my first two with it. My oldest struggled terribly and it wasn’t until I combined phonics and whole word approach that she finally started taking off finally by the age of 7. It wasn’t until she was 9 that she was reading fluently. My 2nd daughter took to the Teach your child to read in 100 EZ lessons. She was up and reading at the age of 4.5. She made it so easy. My 3rd daughter did really well with 100 EZ lessons at the age of 5.
So I naturally thought this was the way to go with my 4th daughter. Not so. She really wasn’t understanding it or picking it up at all. I felt as if I was teaching her oldest sister all over again. That was when I finally caved in and got YBCR at Walmart. She had seen the commercial when she was 3yrs old and said to me " Mommy, I want that! I want to read." She has been wanting to read for so long and we were getting no where with phonics only fast.
It wasn’t until we started YBCR that she is starting to finally pick up words quickly now. My plan is to combine methods with her after I get her up and reading a bit.
I have Leap Pad Letter factory and she enjoys those. And have tons of phonetic readers such as Bob Books too. So I think we are on the right path that’s for sure.

Doman also states , if you are starting with a newborn that the words be 5 inches tall and 3/4 " thick or thicker. To use posterboard that is 6" by 24"
If you are starting with a newborn to introduce one word at a time,preferably their name. To show it to them until they focus on the word, say the word , then put it away. Then not until the age of 12 to 18 months then to introduce the 5 words at a time.
His big rule of thumb is to stop before the child wants to stop.

In terms of age appropriateness, it depends more on the reading ability of the child rather than the age.

Felicity is now 5 and I’m using it with her for Chinese.

Yes, I think we’ll be doing Little Reader. My daughter loves the foreign language part. Yesterday she was reading a book that had the word elephant and spouted out elephante’ LOL
It didn’t register at first with me and I said , " No, it’s elephant." Then it hit me she was saying elephant in Spanish!
After I realized it I said " Yes, of course! Great job you remembered that." :slight_smile:
Plus the last three days each night she keeps asking for Little Reader.
So I think that LR might be a good investment for us. There is just something about LR she really likes.
I am not versed at all in foreign language except for maybe a few words in spanish that I’ve picked up over the years. Other then that I don’t speak a foreign language at all.
My other daughters like hearing the native speakers saying the words on the computer too. So I think that LR might be a good investment for all of my girls.
If I had tons of money I’d get Rosetta Stone but I don’t. With LR I have the selection of all types of languages right here.

I also like the fact that LR has all the word done as far as flashcards go and such. I’d never be able to pull that together everyday, nor could I ever for a foreign language.