
Hi everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve been on these forums and I’m sad that I was away, but happy to be back. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you have some suggestions or ideas for breakfast. I go to a certain recipe website for things, but I’m really struggling with coming up with good, healthy, wholesome, and yet yummy breakfast ideas. Please help!

First of all, I’d like to come up with good stuff for my nearly 2 year old daughter. I am soon to be a stay-at-home mom, and will finally have the time to fix something for her. What do you all make for your little ones?

Secondly, for my husband… I’d like to make breakfast for him to, but don’t know what to make. Especially because he generally doesn’t have a lot of time before leaving for work. Plus, and most perplexing to me in terms of figuring out what to make for him, he works out first thing on Wednesday morning (at his place of work) and then showers at work. The cafeteria at his work doesn’t offer breakfast, so he really needs to bring something with him, but what??? He doesn’t want donuts everyday, nor is that a good idea after working out anyway, lol! He can’t change the time he works out, and he can’t eat beforehand because it makes him feel sick while working out if he does that. Sooooo… can anyone help me come up with something I can make and send with him???

Thanks everyone, in advance, for your input! I hope someone out there can help!

I’m looking forward to reading this thread as it progresses. I’m in a slump myself…I can’t offer you any ideas as to your husband’s morning meal, all I can offer is my humble four day routine that gets repeated over, and over, and over… (all are served with a side of fruit)

  • french toast - 2 slices of 12 grain bread, one egg, a good amount of milk and a bit of brown sugar
  • pancakes - Sunny Boy has a great whole wheat mix
  • toast (or a muffin) & yogurt
  • 12 grain bread toasted with a bit of butter and cottage cheese on top (I grew up with this…some people think it’s strange, but I think it’s yummy - and so does my boy!)

We just introduced scrambled eggs a few days ago and that went over fairly well…maybe because we had a side of ham to go with it :slight_smile:

Bananas, apples, other fruit… great healthy food and they travel well to work too.

Muffins (make lots of them and keep them in the freezer for quick convenience).

Any cereal (granola, muslei for healthier choices) in a little ziploc with a spoon, bowl (you can get disposable ones too) and a small carton of milk (probably doesn’t need to be kept refrigerated/on-ice if he’s going to eat it in the morning. Yeah, it’s more expensive to buy small cartons of milk… you could take a thermos, but I know my own husband would prefer not to… anyways, it’s cheaper that buying it in the cafeteria or at a restaurant.

Bagel with cream cheese… bagels travel so well because they don’t get squished!.. my kids prefer them toasted for breakfast.

Healthier brands of granola bars (the typical granola bars have an extraordinary amount of sugar!)

For waffles and pancakes (which I usually only make on the weekends) we usually make extra and freeze them and the older kids can even pop them in the toaster oven themselves.

At least once a week I serve the kids oatmeal (porridge)… it’s not their very favourite of course, (brown sugar goes a long way!), but it’s a healthy and economical breakfast.

For a change, maybe the kids would like a smoothie… handful of brazil nuts or almonds (soaked for several hours to a day and then peeled…good source of calcium & protein… adds richness), a few dates (for sweetness), a couple of bananas, some frozen fruit or berries, a bit of water to get the right consistency (eg. more if you use frozen bananas… sometimes I’ve bought too many so I freeze them before they go bad)… blend, blend, blend. Yum!

Friday night’s leftover pizza is ALWAYS a popular breakfast choice!

Thank you for the suggestions so far… there are some good ideas and a few that I’m going to try. The toast and cottage cheese thing doesn’t sound that bad, so I’m even going to give it a shot myself! :wink: If anyone has anymore ideas, I’m all ears!

I’ve been enjoying smoothies for breakfast lately. All kinds of berries are in season now, along with cherries and some other good smoothie fruit. I use a variety of berries and sometimes throw in a half of a banana too. This morning it was a cherry, strawberry, blueberry smoothie…yum! You could make one for your husband and put it in a cup with a lid. He could drink it on the way to work. I make them rather large (probably about 16 oz), so they fill me up until lunch time and with all the fruit and yogurt, they give me energy too. You can always eat a piece of toast, bagel or english muffin if you need something else to fill you up.

I haven’t given one to Gabriel yet, although he would like it. I just don’t have time to sit there and hold the straw for him. Instead, I put some of the yogurt in a custard cup and mixed in the berries for him. He loves picking out the berries. Messy, I know, but he likes it!

My kids love breakfast burritos. You scramble some eggs and put them in a tortilla with refried beans, cheese and salsa. Fast, easy and delicious.

They also love egg sandwiches. We toast the bread and put mayo and mustard, lettuce, tomato and one egg cooked like an omelet. These are a favorite here.

There is always yogurt with granola stirred in, yum!

I have great muffin recipes and homemade granola bar recipes. Let me know if your interested.

View my blog at

We also love breakfast burritos and use canned “Ranch Beans” or something similar that is a little spicy (kind of tastes like chili beans). I also like to use avocado or guacamole instead of cheese, much healthier. I also like to toast some whole grain bread and add peanut butter and jelly, very easy and fast. This works better with crunchy peanut butter because creamy just melts and makes a mess. If I am making French toast or pancakes I like to use a low fat chicken sausage, it cooks up fast because you don’t have to wait for the fat to cook out of the meat. I also like Morning Star brand vegetarian sausage, it actually tastes better to me than greasy real sausage.

Oh! Even more good ideas! I totally forgot about breakfast burritos and egg sandwiches. And we do love smoothies, so I need to do those too! Thanks for the suggestions everyone… you’ve all been so helpful. I love these forums and you all are great!

Yes, I would be quite happy to learn more about your muffin & granola bar recipes. :slight_smile:

How about good old oatmeal?
This is our favorite, even my son loves it. I make it in many different ways: with cinnamon and raisins, with a little agava sweetener and berries, with pinnaple and almonds… I can go on and on :laugh:

We like cheese and fruit. We also make our own fruit salad then mix it in cottage cheese. I’m not a good cook so I prefer to assemble breakfast rather than cook it. :blush:

how about wafu style once a while? Tofu miso soup, rice, pickes or salad? as for me n my toddler. we take fruits in the morning then go swimming after that… :slight_smile: