Brain/Body Links - Chiropractic Neurology

Doman stressed the importance of the link between brain, body, and physical excellence. It seems that chiropractic neurology takes it a bit further. I only recently began learning what I can about this, but here is a very interesting news piece. Good information for parents trying to heal the bodies of their brain injured children. This particular clinic is very expensive, but I am sure there are modified home versions that can be discovered upon further research. I really like the gyro chamber the best! Doman always said how good gymnastics is for the brain, now anyone’s brains can be treated to “gymnastics” stimulation whether they are capable or not.

Fascinating. The book The Brain That Changes Itself mentioned the trick with the mirror to make the brain think that the paralyzed limb is moving. I would love to learn more about it.

Wow, thank you for sharing! Brain Gym is similar to this as well. I loved seeing the gyro chamber too- this is what Doman says parents should do with their young children. I’m going to pass this article on.

Mybabyian, phantom limb treatment with mirror

Amazing! Thanks for sharing! And I totally teared up when that woman got to hug her kids :slight_smile: