Brachiation booklet from the Institues

I emailed the Institutes asking how to get the Brachiation booklet which someone on here recommended and this is (part of) the reply: ‘The Bracchiation booklet costs $15.00 plus shipping. You may either call me to place an order (215-233-2050, ext. 2525)’

That sounds really expensive, but if it’s really worth it, I might get it. Those of you who have it, does it say a lot of extra info that isn’t in the Physically Superb book?

If you have the book Physically Superb - then you do not need it, the booklet is a short version of the brachiation ladder chapter in the book.

And yes you are right- the booklet is overpriced, when I buy materials I always keep in mind that I am helping the institutes survive, that is why I buy from them plus the fact that the materials generally speaking are very good.

Hope this helps.
