Born in 2011-moms and babies

Hi ,
Iam a newbee and have 9 months old baby girl and was searching for mums with babies born in 2011 to share views.
Though there is a topicwith “Born in 2011”, there are not many replies to it .

All the moms and babies born in 2011, can we converge here and program ourselves for our babies .

Mods ,
If there is another topic line similar to this and i havent found, kindly link me with that .

Hoping to hear from you all .



My son is 5 months old. We are doing YBCR, LR, LM, LR Chinese, Baby learns chinese, Starfall. When he is 6 months I am planning to add French, at 9 months Spanish, 12 months Zulu. I am trying to follow LR, LM and LR Chinese curriculum, which is a 1 yr curriculum, when we finish it we will do it all over again untill he is 3, I will also continue using other materials. He also listens to french and spanish music, which I play for my 3 yr old. He sits and listens when I teach my 3 yr old Zulu, French, Spanish and Geography. I downloaded flags of Africa file, I also do that with my 5m. I am planning to add continents soon.

Thanks for replying Mama of WIll and LM .

@MamaofWill: I have looked into your uploads . Doing great job . I envy you how you make out time to do this .

@LM: Hats off!!! You are planed for months and here Iam wondering about my next week agenda !!

I do LR and LM .
Other than that we play a lott , blocks, stacking cups , toys.
We go to our library regularly and they have programs almost everyday .
So she interacts there .

I was thinking of starting up with new language .
But didnt know how as I dont know any!!! .

Any helpful ideas on how to start .Is it necessary that mothers should learn the language first before she teaches . Coz mostly my baby sees my mouth and repeats . So am wondering how to go about 2nd laguage .

Thanks Sarekha

Hi Sarekha

Thanks a lot. I am doing what I did with my 1st or wish I did.
With 2nd language. I am teaching my kids Chinese, French and Spanish and I don’t speak any of those languages. What other language would you like to teach your little 1?At the moment I am mainly using DVD’s, CD’s, Audio books LR and other online resources.As they get older i am planning to find a tutor for them.

Thanks for the imm response LM .

hmm … now ur response is really motivational .

I would like to start with spanish and chinese simulataneously .
Can you assist me with the resources and where to get them .

Thanks in advance.


For Spanish I am using: Babybit, Speekee and have downloaded some files from LR, Lets sing and learn in Spanish, which is a misic CD for kids. Babybit is a 1 year curriculum on 4 DVD’s that teaches babies and toddlers to read Spanish, it is very good, i would certainly recommend this one. Speekee is also very good, within 1 week of watching it my 3 year old was counting in Spanish, I was also singing with him “Hablo Espanol”. LR files are also very helpful.

For Chinese I am using: LR Chinese, which I also think is very good since they also have a 1 year curriculum, Wink to learn Chinese, wink to learn Speech and Drama DVD’s, Sing to learn Chinese from wink to learn, Magical chinese, Little pim DVD 1,2 and 3, i don’t use DVD 4,5 and 6 because they have pinyin, Baby learns chinese.

My son learnt to read Spanish, chinese and English from DVDs and online resources.
I agree, DVDs, CDs and online resources can never replace human interaction, BUT they do lay the foundation for those of us who want our kids to learn these languages and don’t speak them ourselves. All these resources do help a lot when you don’t have anyone who speak that language at that moment.With my 1st son, the tutors i found all said they they take kids from 4 years.I could not wait for my son to turn 4 before I could expose him to these languages.I know my kids won’t be fluent by just watching DVD’s, but they do learn to read from these resources.

You can also go through the forum and other posts to get more information about teaching a language that you don’t speak, there are other parents on this forum who’ve done it.

Hi LM ,
Thank you for your input , I heartly appreciate . Yes I like this Babybit.
Tried it for my kid and she seems to like it . All smiley !!! Others let me introduce slowly to her and see her response.

Hi MamaofWill,
I appreciate your response .
But i was not looking for fluency and since we dont speak the language to the baby am sure she will not be fluent . But I want her to get familiarize with other languages to stimulate her brain . Should not be feeling it hard when i introduce her to it in later years . I want her to hear the various sounds that the other languages have …

Still , I appreciate the time you have taken for the response .


Hello there.

My baby was born in October 2011 & is 4 months old now. We have started with LR & LM but aren’t able to do it every day.

I have heard that if you expose your baby to other languages when they are very young, it is easier to learn the language later on in life if they would like to. They should have better pronunciation. The vocabulary is not necessarily important, it is more the sound. If they can learn vocabulary too, it is great but one needs practice to remember. That is where exposure to human interaction would be great.

Enjoy your time with your little one.

Thank you MamaOfWill for the videos. I am going to send them to my family who thinks I am too strict for not letting my son watch cartoons.

Thank you mamaofwill for the videos. In our house we don’t watch tv much. Still I see of my friends using tv as tool to make the kids sit in a place and sort of using that for taking their personal time… At least am now prewarned.

Hi mums and bubs of 2011

I know its been over six months since anyone wrote in this post but I thought it would be interesting to catch up and see what everyone is doing and share views again.

and LM how have things been going?
Are there any other mums of babies born in 2011 that want to share?

What extra programs have you started in the last six months?

Six months ago I was looking for something to replace YBCR and found Little Reader for my daughter. I have been using sign language with her and it really has taken off in the last three months. She has began to sign from “reading” written words, so that’s exciting and encouraging.
I have since tried to introduce maths with the Doman Dot method but feel like I’m not having much success there, its just not as much fun as looking at lions and tigers on Little Reader.
Yesterday we started the free trial with Little Musician, so I’m interested to see where that will take us both.
We go for small walks most days and a swim once a week and the rest of our time is full of many different activities all over the place. Life feels very busy with a 16 month old.

So what are other mums of babies born in 2011 up to?

This week my youngest will be turning one. We have been doing LR since April, and before that I was just flashing PPTs. I have a three and four year old, and I find it difficult to juggle all their intellectual needs. For a while, I felt my youngest wasn’t in the slightest interested in LR, but after a two week break his interest in the words have turned intense. He signed “more” for the first time today, and it was in the car. I almost missed it. That was the first hint of progress I have seen. We sign, LR, LR Chinese, count objects, a few dot cards, watch Tweedle Wink, baby signing time, YCCD, YCBR, and listen and watch different language media. Honestly I don’t know what to really expect at this age group as I wasn’t as persistent with my first two’s early learning as I am now.

My two oldest watch SALSA while I study my heart out to learn the Spanish language to apply to every day play activities and household activities. I have seen a lot of amazing progress there, and so I am going to work on creating more SALSA LR files to introduce to my youngest for reading in Spanish.

I am curious to see the progress of everyone else’s 2011 baby. When should you see progress at this age? What should you be looking for?

corkers4life- Happy Birthday to your youngest, that’s excellent that your youngest has started signing to you.
I also found at about the 1yr mark my daughter interest in written words and signing grew as well. She went from signing 5 words (up, more, food, hat, drink) to signing about 20 words in one month. It was crazy and exciting. If I introduced a fun sign she would pick it up within a few days. My advice would be, be prepared with signs you think your 1yr will be interested in and give, give, give!
At 14 months I noticed my daughter read the written word “car” and then do the sign and sound of a car. This was a very exciting moment. Now at 16 months she can sign the meanings of about 30 different words maybe more, its hard to keep count now.

I’ve started to teach her the sound of the letters in the alphabet and also finger spelling letters as well. She knows the sound for “o” and “b” and can sign “a” and “h”.
I’m also trying to teach her to count using her fingers, she is very good at “one” but doesn’t have the coordination yet for much more. I’m staying away from teaching the symbol of numbers and letters names, i learnt from this forum that its best to teach that once they understand quantity and letter sounds.

As for physical activities, we also work on brachiation, for the fun of it. We only started doing this a month ago and she can already hang quite happily for 10 seconds. We have some masking tape stuck to the carpet that my daughter tries to copy me walking in a straight line. Its the beginnings of a balance beam. We use a plank of would outside as well.

I have a question now, Cokers4life- you said you are using LR and LR Chinese, how do you structure this? Do you do the English one day and Chinese the next or do you do the same lesson day in both languages at the same time? I bet having the use of sign language will help match up the two languages as well.
Anyway I only have one child to focus on and I find it a juggle as it is, so you are doing very well with three under 5s. Keep it up and your youngest will show you soon.

My daughter is almost 9 months (I gave birth in December 2011) and I started using LM and LR since she was 3 months old. I have managed to rigurously follow our LR routine but can’t say the same thing about LM (meaning that at times - for whatever reason - we might have a 3/4/5 days break).

I only speak in English with her and my husband only speaks in Romanian. She seems to cope just fine with both languages and understand everything we communicate to her. She is also exposed to German (through the stories playing on my laptop or nursery songs) but I haven’t actually started using the language or allocating a particular day/slot for communicating in German with her.

Overall, I am very happy to how she’s doing and responding to all the resources we have available. She is very responsive and active and has recently showed me that she knows the meaning of ‘to drop’, after deliberately imitating me :slight_smile: (I was really really happy about it:). She can also distinguish clearly from a banana, an orange and an egg (probably from LR as well) because everytime she has these 3 in front of her and I ask for a particular one…she does get it and ends up chewing it or moving it somewhere else.

We also try to spend at least 1 hour reading every day …even though I must confess I don’t yet have a consistent routine in this respect.

Kiwimum, I had separated Spanish to one day and Chinese to next day, but my children love both languages. Because of their love for both, I changed it to Chinese in the morning and Spanish in the evening. We all do LR Chinese in the morning, and then, the baby and I do LR in the evening.

I found that keeping a lesson plan was the most effective way to get all that I wanted done for all the kids. I highlight each item I get done to see my progress. Its too hard to keep up with it all without writing it down. I found a simple lesson plan at a Dollar Store, but you can find free printables online too.

I also try to work it into a routine like every time we eat a meal or have a snack we will focus it around a math activity or LR. I also use the time in the car as we go to the gym, library or park. I will play Chinese audio, Spanish audio and classical literature (as getting them to listen to classical literature would only happen if they were a captured audience…yeah for car seats…lol).

Thanks for the encouragement. I am hoping the progress starts to roll in for my littlest one.

I am so happy because I have found this forum :yes: :yes: :yes: Today you have me shown another interesting resource and I have found a website that I want to share. (babybit) It is amazing what the little children can learn… :wub: I have worked with teenagers and the thing is totally different. Thank you friends.

Day 165 in LR…he is finally reading at 15 months. I thought this would never happen. I was beginning to lose hope. I thought with the new game feature that maybe I was going to see some exciting results…and nothing really happened or so it seemed. I have never tested my LO in any way. To be honest, I didn’t want to set myself up for disappointed. I was preferring to disillusion myself into believing this whole thing was working and who needed results to prove it to your imagination? lol.

Well, I decided not to let the whole game feature bring me down so mommy happily played the game pointing and saying the answers happily. Well, here is how I figured out he could read. One day I was interrupted doing the game by my husband. I paused and turned my head to answer him, and then Micah just blurts out the answer because apparently I was taking too long for him. After that, he really didn’t show much other responses.

Now he demonstrates preferences for certain words. The game will ask him to point to kick or drink, but if he sees up, green, three, frog, dog and most especially star, he will point to those words and say them instead. He is not the least interested in the words the speaker is asking for but that is a kid for you. lol. Oh and the star pointer feature in the game is probably the most annoying distraction right now because star is his favorite thing to say and look at. I have never heard a child say star so much in my life, and he sees stars everywhere. I never knew that we were surrounded by so many star shapes but my LO is certain to point them out to me. I feel comfortable that he knows these words as he can recognize them in any font or format, and he clear understands their meaning.

Maybe I am crazy and disillusioned but we were watching Team Umizoomi together. Two different questions were asked. The first answer was three which he said the answer before they did, and then he did it again for another question where the answer was green.

I notice that he feels comfortable demonstrating his knowledge if its a word he can say. Right now he is just comfortable with “up” words, long e sounds, “ar” sounds, and “og” words. I don’t know if this is pretty typical or not. I am so glad that I get to see something because I had been resigned to the fact that I might not see any real results for months.