Books on Motivation and Emotional intelligence

can anyone recomend a good book on motivation and how to help your child to balance and achieve emotional intelligence.?

I came across a book but that was explaining certain topics related to it but first gave some theory and just at the end covered what we can do with our babies a different stages of life since babies up to teens.

Thank you for asking this question, I’m very excited to see other peoples responses. I highly recommend Becoming the Parent You Want to Be by Laura Davis and Janis Keyser for the toddler and preschooler age group. They describe discipline techniques that develop emotional awareness while honoring a childs intrinsic motivation. Since it is written as a reference book you don’t have to read it cover to cover. My favorite sections are part 2 on feelings, part 4 on difficult behavior and chapters 23 and 24 on social learning.

There is another method I am looking into for when the kids are older, and for my own emotional growth as well called Nonviolent Communication (aka Compasionate Communication). It has been well documented by Marshall Rosenberg and he has successfuly used NVC to negotiate peace treaties around the world. I have also read testimonials from people that adopt NVC that it helped “change their life,” save marriages, help children deal with bullies and so on. I have been very inspired by his videos on YouTube and am now waiting for material I’ve ordered from the library.

Wow Twinergy, thanks for posting those links. I have heard about NVC but hadn’t yet looked into it since Liam is still only a baby.

I like Parenting for a Peaceful World by Robin Grille. He is an Australian psychologist so I’m not sure if it is readily available overseas. It’s really popular here although it is quite a hard read. He looks at parenting in the past and the negative repercussions we are dealing with from past parenting and then how we can nurture children’s emotional health and build a more peaceful world. It sounds a bit airy fairy but it’s based on solid historical and scientific research.

Checking out Becoming the parent… and NVC today! Luckily our library has both.

How sorry I am not to have a library as some of you do. nevertheless i already mark ‘Becoming the parent you wan t to be’ on amazon and get it as soon as i can. Thanks

You’ve probably read this from another thread on “Nurture Shock”, but here’s a summary ShenLi posted:

I’m about halfway through Nonviolent Communication. As a business owner, it has a lot of good ways to communicate that will help both my employees and patients.

I read in the forum about the inverse Power of praise but the other chapters are very interesting. As you say this is not only for our children but can be extended to others. karma to yo for this good summary.

I just found on YouTube what looks like the entire NVC workshop DVD “The Basics of Non Violent Communication.” It is chopped up into 10 minute segments so just follow the links to the next video. Here is the first in the series…

ETA: there are 22 total videos in the series, so a lot of info there. I watched the DVD from the library and thought it was a great intro.

As always, thanks for these great resources, Twinergy. Love the videos, ordering the book.

Hi 2010 BEBES,
I know it is difficult for you to get books from your library, but you could try a google search for any book title + PDF to find lots of good stuff.

Here is one link I found for NVC… - over 80 pages of extracts from NVC writings

But after reading the book it seems very targeted toward nuances of English. So I might suggest the Spanish version for you…
:slight_smile: Comunicación No Violenta: un Lenguaje de Vida (full book)
:slight_smile: Como Criar A Nuestros Hijos De Manera Compasiva (booklet)