Books for Homeschoolers

There is a program called the Imagination Library, sponsored by Dolly Parton, and conducted by United Way. If you sign up you will recieve FREE books once a month for your infant and toddler. I think even for Kindergarten. I think it’s only in the US, I don’t know if it is a state wide or not but anyone in KY and TN I know has the program, but you can check it and see. Your local library may know. Now the books are #1 sellers and are great. I signed both of mine up after they were born. I use this books in their curriculum. I don’t know if there is a stipulation on who is approved i don’t remember. But it was a thought anyway. It sure helps out us parents who are on a fixed budget. We don’t have to run to the library every week. When I get the books I make worksheets, and flashcards that go with the story. I make sequencing cards, file folder games, mini books, vocabulary activities, and more that goes along with each book. Some day I hope to publish them all.

Very cool idea. I looked up the information and it’s available in select areas based on if someone in the community has helped to launch the program. Its worth checking for your area!

How old is your child(ren)? Are you willing to elaborate on your sequencing cards, games, mini books and more that you create for each book? It sounds like terrific ideas to fully teach ideas, concepts and more from the books.

Thank you!

That’s great. Thanks for sharing. I looked up my area affiliate, and there is one in my area. I emailed her so hopefully she’ll get back to me.

I am so glad that you can find it in your area. If I can figure out how to share things on here. I would be glad to. I tried to add an attachment but it won’t let me. Maybe I can get it together on my own website and post the link. I will get to work on that soon. I have tons of ideas that go with each book. My curriclum is for ages 2 and up. But my toddler is 20 months and my infant is 9 months so I adapt each lesson different for each child. I take the same content but just make it easier to understand for each child. I am working on a book now called Parable of the Lilies for April. I also am working on still Corduroy Goes to the Doctor, a book that came from United Way las month. It was perfect for my curriculum for March which I chose the theme of hygiene, health and my body. I will get to work on getting it on my wesite.

She emailed me back, and unfortunately, they are not accepting applications. They have no more funds (typical in SC). :mad:

oh no! I’m sorry. I think they sent me a letter like that then sent another saying I was going to recieve them. So maybe there’s hope.

My church is working on making books and sending them to people so maybe we can send you (all) books. We send them all over KY anyway so why not to you all. I write the books myself. Most of them are faith based, and some are just simple and cute. The church has their own book publishing equipment. Would you be interested in recieving our books? They are not # 1 sellers but they work just as good. Some are bible based and some are not. If you are interested leave me email the church your info. The church is a non-profit organization so we don’t recieve any money. We are a small church who justs wants to help fight against literacy. I can even include the games, file folder games, worksheets, flashcards, etc and more with the books if interested? Just leave me a message and let me know. I can’t promise a book every month but we will see.

to see some of my curriculum go to

Hi Mother of faith, is the above address yours? If so, could I email you personally? I’d really love to see some of your work (sequencing cards, games, mini books and even the books you create) if you’re willing. My son is also 20months old and seems ready for some material tailored towards 2+.


This is me above. I am the pastors wife. My son is 20 months also. I will be glad to share.