My 3 year old has started to show interest in learning Italian and French. I used to speak both but due to lack of use I have forgotten and I am not fluent anymore (I understand both languages though).
So I thought about buying books / board books / something I could use to help myself and do things together in Italian and French.
I also found some comptines (French) on YouTube but I can’t find many Italian videos cute enough for a toddler.
I would be thankful about any suggestions, online radio, whatever you can think of!
Hi,I am Italian. Try on YouTube FILASTROCCHE or songs like c’era una casa molto carina… another one: sette sorelle tutte marinare. Another is: coniglietto birichino…and French as you say comptines has the most popular french songs. Hope to be helpful!!
I forgot , books… TOPO TIP is really very popular among children. It’s about a little mouse who does everything what a toddler does and learns the important lessons at every story…very educational. Another really appreciated is GIULIO CONIGLIO.
Thanks so much EliC 😊
I have ordered a few books online and found the YouTube videos too. I came across Daniel Tiger and peppa pig in Italian too 😊😊
Wow! This is really good to start at this age.You should always motivate and help him with his studies. The Best Huntington Infant Program is taking place in NY which deals with helping children to improve their abilities.They have provided books to my baby also and now my baby speaks French and Persian fluently.
Coming from a bilingual family it’s easy for me to see how manageable and beneficial it is to speak two languages at home. My dad would always speak to us in Italian and my mother in Portuguese while we lived in Brazil.