Book lists

OK so I am on a mission to organise the huge number of books we have and I would LOVE it if anyone has any book lists they would like to post ( save me some thinking and some typing!)
Post anything you have especially any classics book lists thanks I shall add a few lists in time

Here is the Henty list
These are books on History with fictional characters in non fictional setting and world history events.

Here is medieval mums combined list
This list is pretty comprehensive and decided into year of school levels ( particularly useful for EL mums) however lots of the books appear more than once and I don’t completely agree with all her age suggestions. For example I don’t think the original black beauty is suitable for a grade 1 child. I think it’s too dark, there is quite a bit of death and disaster coved in it and I don’t think your average 6 year old will understand it enough. Yes even your average EL 6 year old :slight_smile:
Still the list is thorough and well set out for a quick print and get started reading.

Here is the Robinson Curriculum book list in reading order
You are supposed to start at the top and read down the list in order, being a thoroughly educated person by the time you read the last book :yes:

I will have to go through my booksmarks and link my lists. I do like medieval moms because I think it is the most comprehensive and borrows from several sources.

I like this site because it has a lot of different lists.

Kumon Reading List. I like the inclusion of picture books.

Lists of books from the Five in a Row program

Here is another one from Heritage History Homeschool
As you could guess this one is thick with history books, tis divided by both reading levels ( beginner, intermediate and advanced) and sections of history ( classical, biographies etc.) it isn’t a beginners list I wouldn’t think but great if your kid takes a liking to history or you want an in depth study of someone or an event from the past.

Thanks Karrale4KQ :slight_smile:
That list of 1000 good reads is AMAZING! That’s the first link guys :slight_smile: it has all kinds of books. Very comprehensive and I agree with most of their age/level suggestions. Even if you just had your kids read thought he advanced section in a year it would be a great education. I love that it goes all the way to grade 12 bound for college reading books. Most sort of stop before there.

The Kumon book list is perfect for most of the parents on this forum. It is a book list for beginning readers. It is full of picture books all graded by difficulty. Have your kids read all of these and you won’t have to wonder what to get next! Hre is the direct link to the download for those who want to see the complete list. It isn’t perfect ( lots of double listings but perfectly usable)

A more modern list, well mixed modern and older is this one
This is the one we started reading through before I got hooked on classics. Because my kids LOVe the books on this list they happily read through them in their spare time if I just leave them lying around. Many of the classics require some encouragement to read them because they are not as easy to skim through. ( my children have to think to read them! :yes: )
This list would make a good read aloud list too.

Seem books lists I have bookmarked that are by subject.

This is from DadDude. His geography list.

These align with Classical Conversations.

Math books

I mentioned in our Poetry Challenge Thread (, that I have started putting together lists of books we read. The one that I have already is my Free Public Domain Children Poetry books, that we have been using with our two and 3 years old. We love those.

What about Sonlight? There is probably some overlap and secular families may need to edit out overtly Christian titles, but I am under the impression their book lists are pretty sold overall. - however I don’t know that this list is complete or current and it’s images rather than typed out. Might be better to go look up by grade level and check the “what’s included” tab for a current accurate list, although some blogs I ran across post retired Sonlight lists.