Anyone who has done work with primitive reflexes could confirm whether or not your children have persistent ones, not just a brain/balance center if you are thinking that they weren’t correct. Did they show you the exam so you could see the positive reflexes? They can sometimes be subtle.
All of the primitive reflexes should be gone by the age of 1, so it would not be a good idea to wait.
$6000 might seem expensive, but the cost for braces in my area is $4000 and that is just teeth, not the brain. As I mentioned before, the concept is one that is commonly evaluated and treated in the PT and OT world. Insurance will often cover PT and OT, but not if you don’t have a diagnosis. You can also look online for a chiropractic neurologist and just get the primitive reflexes remediated by them. It would be more of a per visit fee than the whole payment at once.
The School for the Arts in Virginia Beach gives weekend seminars teaching parents how to remediate the reflexes. Their course was only $200. It is a lovely city to visit. I am pretty sure they will travel to give the course if you can collect enough parents. They did their seminar at their church here.
As far as the question of how can your children have imbalances when you work on the “right brain” often, Doman and Shichida methods don’t actually work on the right brain. You wouldn’t want to do that on the population as a whole anyway. Dyslexics, for example, often have right brains that are functioning higher than their left brains. What Shichida and Doman methods are doing is strengthening the connection between the right and left brains. I think it is unfortunate they they are considered Right Brain Training for that reason.
Chiropractic neurology is a subspecialty of chiropractic that is based largely on the work of one man, Dr. Ted Carrick. PBS has done two documentaries on him. He is known for getting people out of comas, some who have been in comas for years. Dr. Melillo, ;the developer of the Brain Balance Centers is one of the instructors for The Carrick Institute. The methods used at Brain Balance centers are taught to many chiropractors who’ve taken the courses. However, in order to create a franchise, Melillo has developed a system. There is a lot of leverage in a system.
If you use any of the above methods to evaluate and remediate the primitive reflexes in your children, you will still have the “hemisphericity” to work on. They are two separate issues. Hemisphericity is the imbalance between the right and left sides of the brain. A chiropractic neurologist could help you with that.
I will give you a little history to help you understand how your children could have problems when you have done a lot to avoid them. I have been a health nut my whole life but still got very sick from mercury toxicity in my late twenties and early thirties. Some of my exposures were contact lens solution (had Thimerosal in it before 1990, the mercury containing preservative that is still used in vaccines), fish, vaccines and amalgam fillings.
Some of my patients have had toxic exposures from RhoGam, old house remodeling, sanding their deck and inhaling the dust, shooting guns, biting lead fishing weights, tatoo ink (has mercury, lead AND cadmium).
The neurotoxic sources I mentioned are only mercury and lead sources. Heavy metals are more neurologically, immunologically and hormonally disruptive.than other toxins, but there are about 70,000 chemicals produced in this country and sold in this country and only about 4000 of them have ever been tested on human health.
Mercury is a known laboratory inducer of autoimmunity in rats. Autoimmunity can drive hemisphericity. Hundreds of other chemicals are known inducers of autoimmunity.
Julia Trudeau, D.C., M.T.
Doctor of Chiropractic
Medical Technologist