Book Box

Hi everyone,

I came across this website and thought I would share. It is full of audio books which reads the book in just about any language you want. Even better it has subtitles in the language you are reading the language in. So you also get to hear the language but it is read with each word being highlighted as it goes. Each book is about 5 minutes long and there are many that are free and I believe you can join the sight to get more.

The website is

awww… thank you …its a great site…hopefully it will help all of us :smiley:

This is great! Loads of languages to choose from and yes finally one of them is Japanese! Woohoo. We have seen the turtle and the flute on YouTube but never found its source. Check this one out brill mummy’s.

We have been watching some of the French BookBox videos on their YouTube channel. The stories are really good with lovely illustrations. I thought it would complement the LR French Curriculum nicely as we have just started the trial. I’m looking forward to checking out the website too, I thought it was really good how the words were on the screen ‘karaoke style’ too.