Book and/or learning video suggestion for very inquisitive toddler?

Today, my 26-month-old sat on the potty and asked me very seriously, “Mama, where does poop come from?” She looked up at me expectantly and I struggled to answer her question in toddler terms. A short while later, she passed some gas and asked me (in Chinese) what THAT sound was and where IT came from. Later, while washing her hands, she said, with a serious face again, “Where does soap come from, Mama??”

Can someone please point me towards a good resource (book, learning video, etc) with explanations geared toward REALLY young children? Most of the books that I’ve seen are for older children aged 6-9 or 9-12.


To explain the body and functions I really like
Your child will understand if you explaini it to them. dont talk down to your child… talk up. Believe that they understand, follow their interest and take the time to explain the questions… Go to the library and pick 4 or 5 books out on the subject that they are interested in and they will tell you which they enjoy and suits their needs.

My son at the age of 2 could tell you all the bones in his body, at three all the organs and how they work. Today at 4 he continues to understand and explain to his friends how things in the body work.

Give them the knowledge they crave and dont doubt their ability of absorbtion even if we thinik its to advanced.

cheers and have fun.


My son is the same age and he LOVES this book. I got it from the library and then ended up buying it.

I agree with Mandi that you shoud talk up to your kid. The more you explain to him the more he will want to know. His curiosity doesn’t have limits. If you anser anything just to get out of the way, he will not want to ask any more.
I am sure you will find some great books on how ‘things’ work.

Thanks, Mandi, TheyCan, and 2010Bebes for your comments and suggestions! :smiley:

TheyCan, that book was actually one of the books I was looking at but I was unsure whether it would be suitable since it said ages 9-12 on Amazon. I will definitely be getting it now! :slight_smile:

I found it quite ironic that for a chemistry major (me) and two surgeons (my hubby and me), we were stumped by her questions. I guess we were just caught by surprise that she is asking such questions this early. We didn’t know how to simplify the answers. But after reading your comments, I am starting to believe that she probably does understand more than we give her credit for. :biggrin: