Book advice

I am an Eastern European (Romanian) married to a uk national and we live in Uk (problably always will). My knowledge of books for babies kids in english is very limited. So far I have bought disney stories books and just a few others that had good ratings on amazon.
I’d like you to please share your knowledge/experience and advise me of some books that are a must or simply books that your own child has really enjoyed. (both in the brithis and the us culture).
Cheers in advance,

Hi Dalis!

BUN VENIT! Nu stiam ca (si tu) esti romanca! La multi ani, apropo, ca e 1 decembrie!
Felicitari pentru ceea ce faci cu propriul copil

Welcome! Didn’t know you are Romanian! (I’m Romanian too!) Happy birthday, by the way, it’s December the 1st!
Congratulations for what you’re doing with your own child!

Here are some links to discussions where you shall find what parents on the BK forum are using with their children of all ages. I’m sure you’ll find something suitable:'s-books/'s-books/

And these are only a part of the subjects where parents have been discussing about books.

PS For those who don’t know: December 1st is the National Day for Romanians.

Mersi de primire, urare si link-uri. Scuze ca nu am dat reply mai repede, momentan trec prin stresul cadourilor de Craciun :p.
Ma bucur sa intalnesc romani pe asemenea forumuri.
Am sa citesc link-urile si sigur voi gasi ce caut. Mersi din nou.
Eu sunt din Oradea, Bihor si locuiesc in Irlanda de Nord. Tu?

Thanks for the welcome, wishes and for the links. Sorry I didnt reply sooner, at the moment I’m going throu the stressful time of buying Xmas presents.
I’m happy to meet romanians on this type of forums.
I will read the links and I’m sure I’ll find what I’m looking for. Thx again.
I’m from Oradea, Bihor and I’m living in NIreland. You?

Sunt din orasul Galati - aici traiesc acum - , si m-am invartit doar prin Romanica. In alte tari doar prin vacanta :slight_smile:

I’m from Galati - I’m living here now - and I lived in different places only in little Romania. In other countries I’ve been in holidays only.


This is a favorite subject of mine. Check out the link to see some lists I have compiled on my blog.

Best to you.

Complete aside, but I love that you, two, are writing in both languages! Maybe you’ll teach us something :slight_smile:

lol Dear Kizudo, if there are others interested too in taking lessons, will find a way! :wink:
I knew the topic will be read by English readers… and also wanted to talk in my own language with a national so… combined them and sweet Dalis cooperated! :wink:

Love ya all!

My son LOVES these books:

They are actually a periodical but really just books that come out monthly. Not sure if you can get them where you are. My son who is 14 months has such an AMAZING vocabulary. I credit it to reading to him and specifically to these books. My mom bought him 30 of these at a thrift store and it has been the best thing for him. I read them to him at every meal. So we pretty much get through all the books everyday.

I just bought a bunch more on ebay as we can get a lot more for a lot less that way.

At first he wasn’t totally in to them. Since it is a “magazine” I just read him the “stories” that I knew would appeal to him. Now we read the whole book and he just loves it. I think the language is slightly more complex than most of his other baby books. But, that’s a good thing as there are not too many words on the page to loose his interest. There is lots of rhyming and since each book contains different “stories” it holds his attention because every two to four pages or so is something totally new.

I highly recommend them.

Thanks mybabyian, i’ll try to find some in uk, thou an initial search didnt find any.
Krista G thanks for the link. Great blog!

:smiley: mybabayian what a wonderful resource! Thanks for the link, karma to you. I love it and I am sure ALL of my kids will too!

:smiley: I am so glad that you find my recommendation useful. By the way, I realized that I copied a link for a products page containing many products. I think it may be apparent but I was referring to the Babybug magazine.

Here is also a link that shows an example of the magazine:

I was grateful to your extended product link! :yes: I have older childen too, we will subscribe to “ask” I think for my very curious 8 year old, I shall ask nana to gift it to her. All the mums teaching their children to read on this forum will need these magazines in a few years time!!! We have lots of trouble finding good, educational reads for advanced readers. No adds and very little questionalbIe content! Perfect! I am serching for some second hand ladybugs or crickets online (ebay) but most will not post to Australia, These will make great “read it yourself” books for my 6 year old if I can get them, but you are quite right they need not be new and you get many more for the money buying second hand. I had no idea these types of magazines were available. Its something we have wanted and seached for for years! Again thankyou!