Boca Beth Giveaway

I had the opportunity to do a review of the Boca Beth products and am offering a giveaway on my blog. You can enter for a chance to win at The giveaway will close on April 30th. Hurry over for your chance to win and teach your child Spanish and English.

Thanks Krista for letting our friends/amigas & amigos over here at Brill Kids know about the Giveaway via your blog! The winner will receive $37 worth of bilingual fun products from my Boca Beth company - a music CD that introduces more than 100 words and 25 phrases in Spanish and English, a DVD with all kinds of animal fun that makes learning a 2nd language easy, plus a coloring/activity book that is presented in both languages in a side-by-side format.

Good luck / buena suerte ~ Boca Beth

Thanks for posting about your giveaway! I also appreciated the post on your blog about babies and television. Thank you! I hope you have much success with the Monkisee products. I am definitely interested in them for my little one.

Hey everyone! Just a few more days until the giveaway for these great Boca Beth products. Please stop by my blog for a chance to win.


Thanks Krista and Boca Beth for this wonderful Giveaway! I am so glad my toddler won it!

You must be excited. :biggrin: Please PM me your name and address so we can get this sent to you.

Oh YES! I am so excited! I’ll PM you now with my details.

Have a good day!

Thanks to Boca Beth and everyone that participated in the giveaway.