Blog update

I just wanted to share my recent blog posts with any of you who might be interested. As many of you know, I’ve done EL with all of my children with amazing results.

Such that my 9 year old is working through a high school Algebra book, doing high biology on his own with a textbook and chemistry through Khan academy, reading intermediate level French, and writing at a high school level (in content if not neatness :wink: ).

My 6 year old is doing 5th grade math, writing at about the same level, reading/speaking high level beginner French and also working though high school biology.

My blog is mainly focused on my 10 month old and starting her program from the beginning, although I am happy to include posts on my older kids if people have specific questions. She has been walking for about 2 months, can hang from a pull up bar for over 30 seconds, and is working on being completely toilet trained. In fact that is the most recent blog topic. Anyway the blog is just a way to document this journey as well as to be able to look back for my self or for others that want to attempt something similar and see the steps we followed.