You could do shapes and colors. But really we did anything that interested us. Bones, presidents, famous places, lots of animals…Try some and see what goes over well. You can always save the ones that don’t for later if your child doesn’t seem to appreciate them now.
I am definitely not at a loss for subject matter material! He asks all the time “What is that, mama?” so I can follow his curiosity, and he still loves animals, vehicles, letters, numbers, shapes and instruments…
My real question is about how complex the statements should be for a 20 months old.
DadDude mentioned he tried to make the bits of knowledge phrases super clear and understandable for his boy’s stage of comprehension.
So, I just wanted to confirm that the goal of bits of encyclopedic knowledge are not for stretching the child and challenging them with definitions, but to really get them to understand the concepts in the cards.