Bilingual in Arabic and English

Hi guys,


I am wondering if anyone knows what would be the best way to teach Arabic to a child. I am hoping that my son can be bilingual and fluent in both Arabic and English but the problem is that I myself do not speak Arabic but I am able to read and write arabic…

I know that environment is important for the child to learn the language so how to get him to learn to speak arabic from young…

Any ideas and comments will be much appreciated.



We are both in the same boat :slight_smile: I am teaching my children Arabic as well and I am using the wonderful arabic presentations offered on this sitein adddition to a free program that I found out about through another online group. I will have to get back to you on that because I will have to find the link. I really like it and I am learning from it too.

Below is a link that should direct you to other answers to your question.

Salaams and I hope this helps!!


i am also experiencing the same problem.
i can write and read arabic but i dont understand it quite well or speak it.
i studied arabic throughout high school and 2nd year university but i just cant grasp it. i have to read the sentence a few times to understand it.

there is an arabic course offered in SA so im going to try to enroll.

i also cannot read the files uploaded by nohayo as i cant read the arabic without the signs on the word (fatha damma and kasra)

nohayo if you read this please help

Dear Mazad and Fatima and patience,

hmmm for me i find that both reading and understanding people talking is the most difficult part in learning a new language … so if you can read and write arabic then you are at least a BIG step closer :wink:

What I would suggest and it’s what I do with other languages such as German and French is to practice practice practice… try to immerse yourself somewhere where you have to speak the language… if it’s an arabic playgroup with ther moms and kids or even just a friend who is better in arabic than you who you agree with to ONLY talk in arabic…i think that’s the best solution… also try writing down the words you can’t express and those you can’t understand and look them up everyday … that way you are learning (just have a small pen and paper in your purse)… you could look up a tandem arrangement where you talk to someone in your language in return for them talking to you in arabic for say 1 hour every week or something…

I believe that it’s best if you speak with your child in arabic and that’s why you should learn to speak in arabic - it’s not that hard :slight_smile:

meanwhile, as you make your arabic better, make your children listen to LOTS of arabic songs and watch LOTS of stuff in arabic (as long as its educational and appropriate of course - because we don’t want to teach them bad stuff along with the language!) - there are tons of stuff on youtube :wink: Listen to english music and watching TV programs in english as a kid was one of the most influential things on my english - i used to look up words i didnt understand in the dictionary just so I got what that sentence in that song meant - so this is from experience!

try to find an arabic playgroup so your child has to play with kids who speak Arabic - it will do wonders :slight_smile:

And most of all DONT GIVE UP - the reason you are struggling with Arabic now is because you didn’t learn it while you are young so don’t let that happen to your baby too ;D as much as in your power of course - no stress here!!

and as for the signs on my files - i’ll get to that in the future i promise fatima but i just can’t seem to find the time for that now :frowning: but as soon as i can i will !!

i hope this helps !

thanx nohayo for your positive response.

it would help me a great deal as your uploads are stunning and you have put up sooo much. maybe i should learn to read them without the signs or look them up in a dictionary and learn the signs of that word and say it that way. yes thats what i need to do.

thanks again and karma to you

Thanks Nohayo!! I have been meaning to learn the words in your uploads so that I can teach them to my son, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. I just have to make time for it and once I do I know things will be a lot easier :slight_smile:


Thks for your replies guys. It has been very helpful. Good to have known you guys and to benefit from your vast experiences…


Mazad :smiley: