Bible Reading Plan for the Year

Here is a Bible Reading Plan for the entire year for homeschoolers, here is the link. Let me know what you think and if you would consider following it.

I’ve been wanting a Bible reading plan. I might give this a try.

Looks plausible.

We’re not reading the (original) Bible yet. We have read a toddler’s Bible and a preschooler’s Bible, and soonish we’ll start an elementary schooler’s Bible. I don’t think we’ll crack open an actual Bible until H. is, say, 8 or 10. It’s a very advanced book, and in fact, the only way a kid could have a prayer of understanding it by age 10 would be doing the sort of thing we’ve been doing–reading easier versions of it and getting familiar with its concepts and such in advance. It requires knowledge of ancient history (which we will be finishing up, first time through it in detail, in a month or two) as well as the habits and environment of ancient nomadic people. It also requires introduction to some very abstract and difficult concepts concerning the divine, spirit, law, morality, love, and the motives of political leaders. And this is not to mention the biggest hurdle to clear–the ability to understand enough of the archaic vocabulary of the Bible to make sense of it with only some explanation of vocabulary as you go through. So, looking at Genesis 1:1-20, the child would have to have some grasp of words like form, the deep (i.e., the sea), midst, herb, yielding, and abundantly. Of course, you’d have to explain really difficult terms like void and firmament. The child would also have to be able beyond the strictly literal-minded stage so he or she is not too confused by symbolic or allusive language, like “God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night.”

I’m sure you’ll be very disappointed to learn that H. declared just about a half hour ago that God “definitely does not exist.” I always respectfully present God as a possibility, but I say I don’t believe in God myself. I asked him why he believes that God doesn’t exist, and he couldn’t articulate it. He was simply dogmatic about it. I guess it’s time to start explaining some of the basic arguments for the existence of God to him.

This link is just a resource for those who may be reading to their children. We too use several curriculum resources for others or us to modify or fit into their ideal preception or believe and or educational level. However, I will say that that I have 7 year olds who understands and reads the Bible and understand the Bible maybe not Bible history or the actually original vocabulary but the actual content better than most adults that I have had the pleasure to meet. If they don’t know a word they look it up in a Bible dictionary or I teach them a synonym to the vocabulary, after all my main goal is modifying the content for the child. I leave the heavy stuff for the older kids (teens) as you mentioned, however, I am going to leave this discussion alone… :slight_smile:
I am glad for the honest replies regarding this link.

Hello mother of faith, i have 2 kids 8mths and 3yrs, Please how do u read to kids that age? Where do u suggest we read? I read the toddlers bible and even that my 3 yrs old asks so many questions and doesn’t seem to grab it all…just wondering and would like to know ur experience. Thank u

Also which version of the bible?

Of relevance:

Thanks for the link Daddude.
Well the verison of the Bible it up to the parents, there are many version, names, religions that have their own Bible so that is up to the individual but I can tell you that we use the KJV, but the kids versions of this has been out of print, however, there are the NKJV that has a great Bible for kids, teens, and pre-adults that targets just that age. There is also a book published that I got from Dollar General store about the Bible. It has tons of great resources and great content about what is in the Bible.
As far as reading the Bible, we just read the scriptures then we read a story to go with the scriptures, or also we have purchased Nest Entertainment curricula on video on the entire Bible for Kids thats ia animated but looks like real life.
My 4 and 3 year olds understand the basic details of the content just fine by just reading the scriptures and then telling a story. We use tons of free resources as well like and and many others.
If you think that just reading the Bible to your children is a waste of time, it isn’t. It does pay off. I have a few children at 7 can recite and tell you what the scriptures mean in paraphrase and tell you where they are located in the Bible, and show you. However, i do have some that doesn’t do that well so I use worksheets and visuals to reinforce the story, show a video, etc. to help that child understand. Using visuals, posters, story cards, videos, flannel boards, etc. does tremendous. We even use flashcards for 6 months old of the Bible characters.
A good curriculum that I use is and I have created curriculum in another post free to download, and there is another post with Bible resources from many members.