Best Strategy to start from Scratch???

I have few questions:

  1. If i have to start from the scratch then from where i should start i.e. should i start from YBCR or Doman Flash Cards.
  2. There are so many programs available like Baby Einstein, Brainy Baby etc. Should we combine some of the programs?
  3. Another query is that Can we start teaching baby to read, math and encyclopedia at the same time or what should be the approach.

Basically i would like to know the best strategy to start from .


I don’t know that there is a right or wrong way but this is what I did. I started when my son was 2 months with Your Baby Can Read. At three months I added the Doman Math program and encyclopedic knowledge. At around 9 months I added a right brain program called Twiddle Winks. He is now 18 months and has been reading words since about 9 months and recognizing quantity and math. I am recently adding to his program YBCR and YBCM. I have also started teaching him foreign language via videos. I am doing Hebrew right now but will add Spanish very soon. I hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Without going into something lengthy right now, start with ONE program (typically reading). Keep at it consistently. Then add another, and another until you have reached a comfortable level of learning for baby. This is far better than standing out too strong, burning out quickly, and sending baby mixed signals with an inconsistent program. It’s better to start slow and consistent than full force and start/stop again many times.

Other Factors:
-What subjects do you want to teach your child?
-How much are you looking to spend? Are you a do-it-yourself kind of person or do you prefer to buy pre-made programs?
-How much time do you have? Do you work full time with a child in daycare or are you full time stay at home Mom?

Thanks for your input…

Hi TeachingMyToddlers,

I would like to teach my baby to read, math and encyclopedia.
I cant afford much but if you can suggest both the methods i.e. do-it-yourself and pre-made programs then i can analyze whether i can afford or not.
Currently for another 5-6 months i will be full time stay at home mom and then i will start working full time.

Please provide your suggestions.


Welcome to this forum. As you read through the threads you will receive a lot of information on the topics you are interested.

As TeachingMyToddlers mention I would go slowly and introduce different products one at a time and not all together
. First I would start doing a lot of reading to my baby and starting at 3 month old try to follow LR curriculum (PC) and reinforce with YBCR (DVD).
At 6 month i will start doing LM specially with the red dots because babies like them and later on change to different figures depending on his/her interest.
You will read about Tweedle Wink, Language programs, Baby Signing Time, classical music and encyclopedic bits that are very good options.

The important thing to consider is that it has to be done happily without stress and never when you see your baby tired or with lack of interest. Just stop and continue some other time.

Hope it helps.