Best moment to teach your child

When do you consider is the best time to teach your child, early morning, afternoon or at bed time? I know all kids are not the same but I will like to know when are go getting best results?

Hi mellizos,
I’m working mom,so did not have much time for my babies except at the early morning and at night.So,like it or not,I have to make learning activities at that time and of course spend more time at night.Early in the morning,after they wake up,first thing to do is i let them feed the fish (small aquarium with the gold fish) :biggrin: -well,i just believe that this activity(feed fish) can give good mood for my babies,then just do a simple learning(flashcards),that’s all.Continue learning at night,watching video,slide show,flashcard and their own play. :slight_smile:

I like to make activities with my baby when she gets up and before dinner…she is more calm and relax.

I feel the best time for my baby is after he wakes up from his sleep and has something to eat/drink. That way, he is more relaxed and is able to look at the presentations with less distractions.


Agree. :clown:

As for me, I teach my dotter every single minutes of her life …hahaha (can i say describe it that way …hahhaa…) lol …coz that is what I’m doing since she came to the world 11 months ago.

I always have a conversation with my dotter (I have no idea whether she can understand me or not but I believe they can …heheh) and make every minutes we spent is as a learning process.

Eg; She’s having so much fun watching DVD, I will join her & talk about that DVD, the action, the words & so on. I will explain & sumtimes make fun of it. We will laugh together & i bet she’s enjoying it so much.

Few days ago, I went to Tesco near my home. While pushing the trolley, I talk to her, brought her to the wet market, & start showing her & let her touch all kinds of vegetables & fruits. OMG, she love it so much!! (coz in one of her DVD, the subject is on vege & fruits, so she can remember the shape & name, but cant say it yet, ahaks). She touch & feel all the vege & fruits (except chili of course …hehheheh…) & enjoyed the moments. Well, I throw 2 birds with 1 stone …hehhe…shopping & teaching at the same time ..(without my baby realise it!!)

I think it works that way since the baby can touch & feel the real object.Maybe all mummies here can try & see the outcome! :smiley:

Super mama. :clown:

for me its whenever both of us are in good mood … Educational toys also help a lot so whenever I am busy he is got to learn so many things on his own…

I just made up my learning schedule I start early in the morning after breakfast I read a story and do a nursery rhyme. Then I start again at 3pm a story, flashcards, and a different nursery rhyme. I can’t wait to get the ybcr program i’m actually going to preview it first from the library. my son is three months olds

My baby has a bottle of milk 3x a day so that’s when I show her flashcards. I cradle her while she is drinking and quickly flip the cards in front of her. This is when she seem the most content.

And then throughout the day I use whatever words are in the flashcards and put them in context for her by talking about it or showing her the object and how it’s used, letting her touch/play with it, etc. This way I know for sure that by the end of the week she knows what the 25 words mean.

And also through out the day I am constantly showing her words wherever I see them, carton of milk, etc. And we also read about 3-5 books a day (not nearly as much as I would like).

The mornings and bedtime have recently been the best for us! :slight_smile:

agree with u luckylucy.good idea,while our children is drinking,she’s can concentrate on the flashcard,if not,they always look away and do something else.

for me, the best time for my baby to learn is when she finished watch her usual educational tv stuff and after she wokes up from the afternoon nap… :biggrin:

I haven’t try it at night, but might as well do it in the future… :slight_smile:

Each and every time is best to teach the kids except the time they feel sleepy and hungry lol
I prefer mornings and before bedtime… she loves to talk during nights :slight_smile: and i never get tired of that… i used to talk and teach her things after 10 as she sleep by 3 midnight. Things vary from kids to kids… so adapt the time according to ur kid convenience… that would do.

Your child will give you a cue. Your child is unique. Remember, learning is great when your child is calm and attentive. So if your child is calm during early morning, then thats the best time for learning and bonding. My baby is in his best mood in the morning, he is very attentive after feeding. He’s ready for his big day. As a working mom, I always spend time with my baby in the morning. Thats the time when I give him his tummy time and a little play. I hope this piece is helpful. :smiley: :slight_smile:

Right brain kids recommend teaching at the time before bed because of the apha wave :unsure: (opposit to Domans’ recommendations) . So I guess almost everytime is right.

Anytime when my child is not overtired or starving hungry works well for us. Very often we show her cards at meal times as she is sitting still in her highchair then. Another of our favourite times for flashcards is when she is in the bath as she is always relaxed then.

Basically though absolutely anytime is learning time - we talk to her, ask her questions about what she likes and dislikes and listen to what she says all the time. The other day we went into a fantastic shop run by a woman who had taught young children and my daughter was allowed to play with everything in the shop - that was a great learning experience (they even had smelly balls that smelt of peach and mint that she had fun with) Fruit and veggie stores are particularly great for learning and now that she can see out the window in the car when we are driving we also point to things and count then and we play CDs to her while we drive too. I have a feeling she learns more from the less formal education then she does from the flashcards, but we will definitely do both as you can show children more than they will see with flashcards.