Best Maths program to start with a Three Year old??

Hi Everyone.

[I already posted this in the Maths forum but wanted to post in this general forum as well just to get a larger audience :slight_smile: ]

My daughter just turned three. I knew about the Doman method all along since she was born - but could never start it with her because of my very very busy schedule for the past 3 years. I printed out those dotted sheets when she was born and even showed her a few times but never got past 20 .

Now I will be able to spend a few hours every day with her . Can the experts here suggest a good and interesting Maths program appropriate for a three year old . I want her to be amused and interested with whatever I give her. She is a highly energetic girl . She loves books . She’s learning to recognize and write letters nowadays. She can count things correctly up to 20 . She can be a great learner as long as the learning material is interesting to her. I have seen her never forget a single thing she learns.

Also, I recently realized that for past three years , we have progressed well on reading , alphabets etc. But numbers just stayed limited to counting 1-2-3 and so on. I hope you understand what I am saying . I want my daughter to progress on numbers as well like doing addition etc . I want her to be interested in Maths as she grows up.

I have lurked here a few times in past 4 years and I know that I’ll get some good ideas here.

Thanks a lot for reading this and please ask me any questions if you need more information …

I´m in the same situation, only I have recently heard abut Doman and his proyect, I have 2 children, one 2,5 years old, and a 15month girl, expecting my third, I have posted a comente and haven´t got any respons yet. But I can say I have started them on LR and LM, and they are loving it, my oldre one loves it, we have been on dots and on flash cards but both got borring after a week, I will have too see if his interest keeps up neex week or if it was just hte novelty of the new program.

hope this helped in some way.

Thanks a lot msocorro . It really helps to see someone else in the same situation :slight_smile:

I just downloaded the trial version of LM and I think my daughter will enjoy it . Do you really go by the curriculum of LM and do one single lesson a day ? Or you can go 2-3 lessons a day ? Because the lessons/sessions do seem very small to me . So if I do a session in a single sitting , it will end in a minute right ?

Anything else you do for Math ?

Thanks a lot for discussing this :slight_smile:

Touch Math.
The full program is mighty expensive. But you can purchase the downloadable sheets that correspond to the program. OR sometimes you can find it very inexpensively on Ebay(where I got my preschool set).
This is an excellent program to start with a preschooler.
My girls still enjoy Touch Math.

There is also Jones Genius. I’ve never used it , or have really seen much of it. But it looks similar to Touch Math as well. Many families here use it with their young children.

If you don’t mind using a math program from a Christian publisher , also Rod and Staff Preschool Series may work well too.
Their book Counting with Numbers and Inside and OUtside focus a lot on math. But honestly each of the workbooks focus on a little bit of math as well. She may be able to count to 20, but can she write her numbers? That’s why I recommend you start with the Counting with Numbers book.
Its a very gentle program for young children.

Anyways , these are the programs I recommend for preschool aged children.

no, I´m doing more or less two days a the same time, plus the math (he is loving it, doman started aditions when they knew up to 10 or 15 I can´t remember) and the other counting with diferent icons, he likes it all so much I have to say : well tomorrow we will do more.

If I do get the program, I think I will spid things up a bit, because I have the child at home all day and he really pick up fasth, I don´t want to get him borde , just because I scared he is not underestanding. It seem the more I give him, the more he wants. He just started with the reading, and I have al ready made him two series of bits, in two days he has leard 10 kinds of dogs and the solar system, he just love it.
if your kid is like mine, she wount be happy just with two sesions a day.

the questions is: can we keep up with them :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Touch Math. The full program is mighty expensive. But you can purchase the downloadable sheets that correspond to the program. OR sometimes you can find it very inexpensively on Ebay(where I got my preschool set). This is an excellent program to start with a preschooler. My girls still enjoy Touch Math.

There is also Jones Genius. I’ve never used it , or have really seen much of it. But it looks similar to Touch Math as well. Many families here use it with their young children.

If you don’t mind using a math program from a Christian publisher , also Rod and Staff Preschool Series may work well too.
Their book Counting with Numbers and Inside and OUtside focus a lot on math. But honestly each of the workbooks focus on a little bit of math as well. She may be able to count to 20, but can she write her numbers? That’s why I recommend you start with the Counting with Numbers book.
Its a very gentle program for young children.

Anyways , these are the programs I recommend for preschool aged children.

Thanks you so much for the ideas Tracy. I just saw TouchMath at your recommendation . It looks great but expensive as you said . I’ll try to find it on ebay.

no, I´m doing more or less two days a the same time, plus the math (he is loving it, doman started aditions when they knew up to 10 or 15 I can´t remember) and the other counting with diferent icons, he likes it all so much I have to say : well tomorrow we will do more.

If I do get the program, I think I will spid things up a bit, because I have the child at home all day and he really pick up fasth, I don´t want to get him borde , just because I scared he is not underestanding. It seem the more I give him, the more he wants. He just started with the reading, and I have al ready made him two series of bits, in two days he has leard 10 kinds of dogs and the solar system, he just love it.
if your kid is like mine, she wount be happy just with two sesions a day.

the questions is: can we keep up with them

Thanks a lot . You speak my mind :slight_smile: I am going to jump start my daughter with LM and will go according to her intereset/speed. Let us see what happens… Kids sure are faster than we may imagine :slight_smile:

Also know that you can purchase individual worksheets at the Touch Math website. You don’t have to purchase the whole program. I would start with the Advanced PreK. Just scroll down to the bottom. It looks now that Touch Math has downloaded their “older” version ( it looks to be the same stuff I have in my PreK manual) that has the lesson plans along with it too! And you can download it a little at a time. I would go that route if money is tight. I’m actually surprised to see they have this along with K and 1st on their website. Actually I’m thrilled because my daughter loves touch math and I was a bit worried how I would get their K program for her. But now that I found this I’ll get it this way.

I hope you have a great time, children era made to learn, and it is a same we adults don´t know about it.