Best Math DVDs?

What are your favorite math DVDs?

Had anyone tried Montessori House Fun and Great Math?

Here’s my review of what I have:

Meet the Numbers: love it, now that my daughter knows the symbols for 1-10, I skip and only do the ending portion because she can only count to 6 and jumps to 10. So, she still gets the numbers, but with more counting. I might start with just the ending first if I did it again.

MathTacular: great, not really for babies. My 4 year old loves it. I plan to get 2 and 3 soon. It really inspires him to think mathematically in every day life. My 20 month old is around when my 4 year old watches, but I haven’t noticed she’s gotten anything from it.

LeapFrog 2 DVDs about numbers: ok, but more disjointed than I’d like. We watch these more for pleasure than learning.

Number Beats, by tv teacher: we got this recently and have only watched a few snippets. My 4 year old loves it though, and enjoys the notepad. My 20 month old hasn’t seen it, but I’d imagine she’d learn from it as well (though she isn’t really ready to write yet).

My 4 yr old also loves Mathtacular. Because of this video, he can count by 10’s to 100, can count really high in single digits (at least to 50). He knows the ones, tens, and hundreds column. He can play “Go Fish” with facecards. Knows what ordinal numbers are, counts and sorts stuff all the time now. He just soakes this math up. He surprises me all the time by knowing stuff that’s in the video, especially since its not a cartoon and doesn’t have a lot of music.

We also love the Your Baby Can Discover DVD’s. They have some great clips on counting/shapes/patterns and other stuff like Music and colors.

I am thinking about getting some math dvds for my 26 month old. Any recommendations? I am hoping for something that is educational but also entertaining enough capture to capture a 2 year old’s attention. Thanks!

It’s not a DVD, but my 2-year-old has gained a lot from our family membership to There’s some great math games on there, and he can actually play them himself. (his older brother taught him how)

I’m looking forward to seeing what other people have to say. :slight_smile:

Ah, this is a favorite topic in my house!
At 26 months, the best and most entertaining math DVDs are probably the LeapFrog DVDs. I almost gave them a miss, thinking they would be too ‘cartoony’ for my LO, and I am SO glad I didn’t! She picked up so much from them. We tended to use them more sparingly than most of our DVDs, but I think she loved them all the more for it :slight_smile:

LeapFrog Math Circus was probably her favorite at that age: one-to-one correspondence, counting 1-10, basic addition and subtraction, then counting by tens as the grand-finale. In fact, Alex once told Daddy when they were counting raisins at around 26 months that '3 raisins + 3 raisins + 3 raisins is 9 raisins…but she should like an extra ‘bonus’ raisin as she prefers even numbers:)…the 3+3+3= 9 is from Math Circus!

LeapFrog Math Adventure to the Moon is fun as well, and has a variety of concepts: counting, shapes, sorting, adding up to ten, even counting by 2’s…

She also liked LeapFrog Numbers Ahoy! And Leapfrog Numberland I recall, which is mostly counting to ten and such…

The other math DVD STILL a favorite is the MathTacular DVD, especially the first one. When I first watched it I thought it would be too dry and boring, too ‘homemade’. BOY was I wrong! She will sit GLUED to the TV with that on!

We have quite a few others, Donald in Mathmagicland, PW, and even SigningTime, but I really think those are great for the younger set!

One thing I HIGHLY suggest! Whenever she watches math DVDs I put out various math manipulatives, often identical to what is used in the DVD, and she joins in. Even though all the manipulatives are regularly placed on shelves primarily at. Her level, I have found that just putting them directly in front of the television dramatically increases the understanding lol

Check out the right start math guide to games on youtube:

Donald in Mathmagic Land is excellent (previously recommended by Keri in the toddler math thread) - you can buy the DVD (well worth it) or watch it on youtube:

Also try the Peter Weatherall DVDs & CDs & the Mathtacular DVDs.

Thanks so much. I found the leapfrog dvd at the library and have placed a hold. I’ll check out the other ones too! It’s nice that the Donal Duck video is on youtube since we have the internet on our tv in the living room! It will be nice to do something mathy if only watch a video…and great idea to have the manipulatives available. :slight_smile: I have been focusing a lot on reading and have let math slip a little. Thanks!

James absolutely adores Mathtacular. I honestly don’t get it. I too think it is cheap and dry and it bores me.
But he will sit and watch the whole DVD entranced. Which was great when I was sick with the flu a few months back. Mathtacular and the YBCD (Your Baby Can Discover) series were a godsend.
James also likes Peter Weatherall.

Nick Jr: Team Umi Zoomi I find it’s an awesome cartoons introducing Maths. Additions Subtraction, with songs like mIghty mighty maths power. Introduces Pattern - Pattern Power… My son enjoys watching it. The songs are cool and they solve problems using Maths…

I think bubble guppis on Nick Jr is similar to Umi Zoomi… but I havent really watched it.

Umi Zoomi is on apps for Ipad and iphone… check it out :clown:

British program “The Number Crew”, we do not show our kids much animation ( if any), but these are on our list, and we watch them. Both of my kids ( 3 and 2) love these, Highly recommend!

OK, we were not able to find these on DVD ( but there are a number of episodes on Youtube, which you can view for free!! :yes: )

There are sixty 10-minute Number Crew programmes. I heard that the first series of 30 programmes is aimed at the younger end of the age range ( they propose 5-6 years old, but my 2 and 3 year old love them), the second series of 30 programmes looks at the same areas, but is designed for children about a year older ( we have not seen any of those). Concepts that we have learned using these:

Numbers and the Number System:
Properties of numbers and number sequences
Place value and ordering (including reading and writing numbers)
Estimating and rounding
Introduction to fractions and decimals

Understanding number operations
Instant mental recall of number facts
Mental calculation strategies for deriving new facts from facts known already
Pencil and paper methods
Checking that results of calculations are reasonable

Solving Problems, Measures, and Handling Data:
Making decisions: deciding which operation and method of calculation to use (mental, partly mental/partly pencil and paper, pencil and paper, calculator and so on)
Reasoning about numbers and making general statements
Solving problems involving numbers in familiar contexts
Measurement: including choosing units and scales
Collecting, presenting and interpreting numerical data

The programme units are based on the National Numeracy Framework (which is based on the Mathematics National Curriculum for England and Wales)

If anyone knows where we can get the whole series on DVD, we would love that! Otherwise, check them out on Youtube:

You must have seen us open our Xmas presents:)
Alex received these for Xmas, based upon recommendations from family in UK!
Here is where I bought them, 50 episodes for about $30:


So-o cool!!

We love them, and kids learned a lot from the ones that they did watch. $30 is an awesome price, thank you!

Needless to say, they call our new baby Baby Bounting :yes: lol

Hi guys-

I merged this thread “Best Math DVDs” with a previous one “Favorite Math DVDs” to keep the information together. Just so you know why some of the responses are older and it looks a bit different now.


I am not endorsing any of these offhand, this is just my master list of all options out there. You can check them out for yourself to see if it’s a good fit for your family. Some are great, some not as great, but here it is:

Math DVD’s

  1. Mathtacular
  2. Kid2020
  3. Munchkin Math
  4. Math Monsters
  5. Disney’s Donald in Mathland
  6. Mathtastic
  7. Number Crew
    8 ) Number Jacks
  8. Leapfrog - (select titles)
  9. My Montessori House (select titles)
  10. Preschool Prep Meet the Numbers
  11. Jumpin Numbers DVD by Heidi’s Songs
  12. Peter Weatherall (select titles)
  13. Your Child Can Discover (select titles)
  14. Schlesinger Media (check your library, various select titles. This site shows some, I searched “math” and I think this site has a full listing., scroll down to math for children)
  15. Bill Nye (select titles, algebra)
  16. Standard Deviants (more for older kids I believe)
  17. Hip Hop Homeroom Math
  18. Rock n Learn (select titles)
  19. Brainetics
  20. Nick Jr. Umi Zoomi
  21. MathGenie Abacus (these DVD’s are more instructional though I think, versus entertaining

Not all are super EL friendly as some are for a little bit older kids Bill Nye, Standard Deviants for sure I believe) but this will give you a list to work through. I am going to attempt to update my youtube playlists with some of these this week. I add to it all the time lately but there is always something new I find.

Let me know if I missed anything to add to this list! Or, if you are bored and have time, copy it and add some links. :smiley:

Oh, and I bookmarked this a while ago. There are a ton of random math software titles here.

Kerileanne99, I think the link you provided for NumberCrew is only for 1 of the episode? Did you get all 50 episodes on that dvd you linked to? From the description it doesn’t look that way and there are many similar titles on the website for sale, each priced for $29.99.

Again,it’s not a DVD because they haven’t made it available yet, and it’s not ideal for tiny children, but I really love Square One TV. There’s a lot of humor in it for adults (not crude, just stuff younger kids wouldn’t get). Overall it’s just really silly. There are a lot of episodes on YouTube. I’ve been singing “That’s Infinity” lately, so I share this sample: