Best age to start LR

At what age do you think I should start LR. My son is almost 4 months and I am thinking about starting him in Jan when he is 5 month. What is your experience with your child, do boys do better if I wait?

You can start as early as 4 months.

yep, 4-6 months is a good time to start.

I have a 13 months old baby girl and a 5-years old boy. Intend to purchase for my girl, but is it good for my 5-year old boy as well?

Although it’s more geared towards very young children, it is still suitable for older children. Every day I’m showing the Chinese curriculum to Felicity, who is already 5, and still making good progress.

It’s more to do with your child’s grasp of the language or reading skills, more than the actual age itself.

and what about little math, i know there is a lot of discussion about it, can we wait until after two years or will that forever ruin our chances of raising a genius? :clown:
thanks for your expertise.

Opinions differ on math. Doman says that the ability to recognize large quantities (subitization) diminishes after around 2.5 years. How much does it diminish? I don’t think that necessarily means that math flashing lessons after that age will have no benefit though, even if the effect may be less.

Afterall, Shichida continues to flash math dots even when the children are 5 or 6.

I would recommend reading Doman’s How to Teach Your Baby Math book if you haven’t already.

thanks, i will be getting that book out of the library as soon as it becomes available. this is the real reason i am concerned about the discounts. my daughter is 22 months old and i want to wait for the discount to get the little math, at the same time i don’t want to miss the critical cut off point.

I am also waiting for the discount coupon…
I hope we get the discount soon so that we can make use of the precious time of our baby.


You can start as young as 3 months old or when they begin tracking objects.
I konw the Your Baby Can Read recommends 3 months of age.
I will admit I didn’t know anything about early education. I had met a mom whose son was able to read at the age of three. I asked her how she did it and she said that his big sister was learning to read and he took a liking to it. Other than that she never shared how she did it with him. So I assumed some kids were just very bright and mine were not in that catagory. Fastforward to today and I have a 13,11,7 and 4yr old.
I’m amazed at how quickly my 4yr old is learning to read already. In less than one months time she is reading 104 words already. She is on the 4th DVD of Your Baby Can Read already and we started it on Dec 31st of last year. She is starting to read simple readers that I used when her sisters were about 5 or 6.
If she knew her sight words she would have been able to read all of her 7yr old sister’s book yesterday that came home from her at school. That is something though I am slowly throwing in while she learns the words from YBCR.

I beleive the best age is 6 month …
As early as possible would be great but why i said 6 months is because at 6 months the vision is developed and baby can concentrate .

This is my personal view .