Best Age for School

When do you think is the best age for kids to be in school?

it depends upon the quality of the school. but for home schooling, you can start it from he first day. for such school like play home, i dont like sending there, but im going to send my E (18 MONTHS OLD) TO LNAGUAGE LAERNING CENTER NEXT MONTH

I think it depends on the kids. But in general, I believe the earlier the better, as this is not only for learning, but giving the kids to have the opportunities to start interacting with others sooner.


I think we start school from day one. When are we not teaching our children? But in regards to a ‘normal school’ I think as soon as they are ready.

I think that learning starts from the womb :slight_smile: but school should start when the children are ready emotionally and intellectually. This is because from my experience, I was qualified & wanted to go to school (kindergarten) at 4 years old but when I was already in school, I did not want to attend anymore because I realized now that I’m a mom that I was not emotionally ready - I was a shy, geeky child, did not know how to socialize and was happier when I learned new things than meeting new people.

That is why I am thankful that there are playgroups where my child can socialize with other children and libraries and bookstores that have activities for young children (since we had to take him out of daycare when he got sick).

I suppose the best age for school depends on each child, however if you mean when a child is ready to actively socialise and interact with other children of the same age I think you should wait until around the third year of age. I have read that this is the time when they start to really play with other children. Before this, they tend to play alone.

keep them at home as long as you can and provide times to interact with other kids/adults through other means
teach your own! :slight_smile:

I agree, Nikolett! I’m sure it’s not for everyone but I’ve been amassing homeschooling resources since I found out I was pregnant. It’s still not a sure thing - if I feel that the system will serve my daughter better than I can, she will go to school, but right now I’m leaning very seriously towards keeping her with me.
When I first tell people that, they give me the raised eyebrow, but when I explain, they see the method to my madness. Or at least they say they do…
And I’m not the least bit worried about socialization. Marina has contact with a variety of interesting adults and is more disposed to them than kids. I do take her to the early years centre twice a week for exposure to other kids and that works just fine now. There’ll be the park again in the summer and when she’s three there’ll be dance or circus school.

I’m not sure that there is a correct answer to this as each family and child is different. It seems a bit like breastfeeding to me - it has to suit the whole family and the individuals involved.

That is why if parents have to work then children have to go to day care and school earlier than they would have had to (the parents decide its the best interests of their family for the mother to work) If the mother can stay at home then she can keep her child out of “school” for longer - many mothers land up sending their toddlers to nursery school from the age of about 2 when they are again pregnant so that the mother can cope with the pregnancy and the child will be settled once the next baby arrives (usually if there is a problem though these mothers can take the child out of the school easily)

My mother sent us all to school the year we turned three - she had four children and I think with so many children in some ways it was a relief to have some breathing room, but she actually did so because we enjoyed it. Some children seem to be better off only going to school at 4 or 5 years of age.

My daughter goes to a toddler group with me once a week and sees other children at church (they have a toddler room where the sermon can also be heard) She is babysat by my mother when I work in the mornings at the moment but probably will start in creche next year to give my mom some time to herself.

Like I said: it depends on what works for your family. If your child is very young and seems unhappy in the school then I would probably move her to another school if possible unless she is able to tell you exactly what has upset her (which is unlikely if she is only 2/3 years old)

i personally think that there is no certain age on when we should start sending our children to school.
its a case to case basis, depending on the child’s interest and readiness.there is no rule of the thumb by 3 all children should start school!

teach your own :smiley:

Hi there wilnie,

Can you elaborate on what you mean by school? Preschool, Kindergarten, Homeschool or other types of classes? If you mean kindergarten, let us know the month your child was born - that really makes a difference.
