Benefits of sleep talking?

Hi everybody i have heard about sleep talking but i dont know how exactly how it works.How to use sleep talking and what are it’s benefits.I have heard that i can play educational dvd’s while baby is asleep.But i dont know which type of dvd will benefit my baby?is anybody aware of this?than pls share that everybody’s baby will be benefited by this sleep talking


I am not sure what you mean by that. I understand this term as person talking while sleeping. :blink:
If you mean playing something to your baby when she/he is sleeping than I know that this is similar to what I know a new revolutionary method of learning foreign language. You should first learn something carefully, decode what for example english sentence mean in Czech (or any other language), learn it this way. And then repeatedly play it as surrounding sound quietly - you should hear it if you pay attention during checking the volume level. But you should not listen to in on a conscious level because only this way it go through unconsious level to long term memory. But you need to listen to it without paying attention to it as often as possible. This way without too much effort of drilling you can get your brain to remember it and bring it back when you need it. But I am not sure this would apply to a sleeping baby. It would be more beneficial to play whatever he/she was tought as a quiet background sound when the baby is paying attention to something else or playing.
But these are just my thoughts and I will be happy to read other opinions and better - facts.

Hope everybody is reading this thread and sharing there experience if they are aware of sleep talk

Love the title! lol

Sapna, you might want to start referring to this as something other than ‘sleep talking’ cos that normally means when someone is talking in his/her sleep…

Anyway, this principle (of being spoken to while asleep) is a concept that can commonly be found in subjects like hypnosis/self-hypnosis also.

The theory is this (if I recall correctly). Our brains function at different brainwave frequencies:

  • Beta - 12Hz and above - this is normal waking state
  • Alpha - 8-12Hz - relaxed state
  • Theta - 4-8Hz - deep relaxation, meditative state
  • Delta - 4 hz and below - usually associated with sleep

At beta levels, the conscious mind is in full force, and in alpha and theta, the deeper you get, the more your extremely powerful sub-conscious mind can be accessed, by-passing the critical, logical, left-brained conscious mind.

Thsi is why hypnosis/self-hypnosis typically will get you relaxed first, lowering your brainwave down to alpha and theta levels (NOT delta), and at that state, suggestions are given to you to try to alter your subconscious way of thinking. So for example, one common use of this is for conquering phobias and treating addictions like smoking. Your subconscious mind is persuaded that, eg., you can’t stand the smell of smoking, that you’re repulsed by the sight of it, etc.

Another similar area is the use of affirmations, where you repeat to yourself (or having something like your CD player - sorry, I mean iPOD :slight_smile: - repeat to you) affirmations like, “I am confident”, “I am successful”, etc., in order to get your subconscious mind to start believing it, and therefore start feeling it all the time. Affirmations can be done while awake, or more effectively, during beta and theta states.

That’s why there are many programs which have you play affirmations to yourself when you’re going to sleep, because on your way to sleep, you will certainly pass through the alpha and theta states.

This is the same reason why Tweedlewink videos play soothing music in the background (to relax the child), and also why they begin and end with affirmations for the child. BTW, on this point, my favorite affirmation for Felicity has always been “I can do anything!”. Whenever she says she can’t do something, I encourage her (with help) to do it herself, and when she does do it, I get her to say, “I can do anything!”.

The last point to make is that I’m not sure whether the sub-conscious mind is still open (or if it is, how open) during DELTA/sleep state. From my recollection (I read about this area many many years ago, as I’ve always been fascinated with the brain), the key is actually the theta state, just before sleep.

Hope that helps! :slight_smile:


Thanx a lot K.L


That’s very interesting KL ! We can apply that to ourselves too not just our kids :wink:


Students have always pored over their books far into the night, hard-working and conscientious in their pursuit of learning.

Today it is possible to be equally conscientious without working nearly so hard. It is, in fact, possible to sleep on the subject-quite literally-and learn it faster and more thoroughly than the most determined application allowed in the past.

This new aid to education is called sleep-learning.

Sleep-learning, a very young science, is based on the receptivity of the subconscious to suggestion and instruction during the sleeping period.

Its principles were known to the ancients. In Egypt, priests recited the scriptures to sleeping novitiates in specially built slumber temples, believing that this method would hasten the learning process. In both Egypt and Greece, people brought their problems to such temples. There, priests whispered helpful suggestions in their ears while they slept. The nocturnal advice dealt with matters of health, general living and the encouragement of confidence.

In informal ways we have been applying the principle of sleep-learning all along. We often decide to “sleep on” a problem we have been unable to solve and awake with the answer.

While we are asleep, some watchful part of us prevents us from rolling out of bed, or pulls the covers up when they have slipped. Mothers who sleep through traffic noises, thunderstorms and husbands’ snoring awake at the slightest sound from their babies. The subconscious functions while we sleep and it has been proven that it can be directed into channels of our choice.

In 1932, Aldous Huxley envisioned a new world in which hypnopaedia (sleep-teaching) would be used for purposes of conditioning future citizens along lines considered useful for the state, rather than for intellectual improvement. The methods Huxley described are almost identical with those now in use. He speaks of a continuous, repetitious whisper under the pillow. The degree of his prophetic talent is apparent to people familiar with sleep-learning equipment, in which a pillow-speaker is attached to a clock-controlled phonograph or tape-recorder. The speaker’s volume is just loud enough to reach only the ear of the sleep-learner and the material is repeated several times during the night.

More than a quarter of a century later, in Brave New World Revisited, Huxley discussed the facts then known about hypnopaedia. He was concerned about the possibility of misuse but, at the same time, recognized that factual material was being taught successfully to sleeping people.

Responsible proponents of sleep-learning point out that the same possibility exists in many scientific fields, but that this risk should not keep us from making use of the beneficial aspects of this new technique.

The Sleep-Learning Research Association’s statement of policy reads in part:

Because we have reported what some are doing in this field, in no way do we mean to imply that sleep-therapy (induced auto-suggestion by the sleep-learning method) is a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment. Moreover, because some people are not susceptible to suggestion (science says 10% are not), we cannot specifically guarantee that your attempt in sleep-learning will be successful, should you try it. What nocturnal education will do in the future, when all its implications will be realized and exploited, we cannot yet say... 

The Association further writes that it finds, despite “a certain amount of hocus pocus,” it cannot scoff at the results of the do-it-yourself psychology known as sleep-therapy in view of the many letters attesting astonishing improvement.

Though there is comparatively little factual material available on the subject, research is being carried on to test the theory that one can learn while asleep. Notable among the studies whose findings have led to worldwide experimentation are the work at the University of North Carolina, the University of California, William and Mary, Parsons Training School, U.C.L.A., Georgetown University and the Institute of Logopedics.

There is considerable interest in some medical circles about the pain-reducing or pain-eliminating faculties of sleep-suggestion.

It is known that childbirth has been rendered painless this way. Indeed, in 1951, the Soviet Union passed a law making it compulsory for doctors to use this method on every mother-to-be. Although many doctors still question sleep-learning, there are a growing number who, after investigation, are beginning to apply its principles.

Psychiatrists have evinced particular interest in its potential value in therapy. A May, 1960, article in a leading New York newspaper reported on a paper presented to the Scientific Session of the American Psychiatric Association in Atlantic City by Dr. M. Ralph Kaufman, of the Mount Sinai Hospital, which stated:

"The situation at present is such that psychoanalysis that began as hypnotherapy . . . has now given us the kind of understanding of hypnotic suggestion which again makes it available as a therapeutic measure for psychotherapy."

Sleep-learning advocates claim that at least 8,000 college students supplement their daytime work with sleep-study. Testimonials from high school and college students indicate better results in examinations resulting from their use of sleep-learning techniques. Language instructors as well as their students report that this method of study speeds up the learning process considerably.

* A mid-Western lecturer states that his memorization rate increased by 75%.
* A blind student finds the technique uniquely helpful and practical.
* Parents write that young children, whose studies involve a considerable amount of rote-learning, benefit greatly.

The memory training qualities of this technique seem to be of particular value to people who must remember specialized data. Television presented to the American public a young man who learned conversational French while asleep, under controlled test conditions. After only one week of sleep-learning, he was examined by Dr. Adrian Miller, Professor of Romance Languages at U.C.L.A., on the television program, “You Asked For It.” The professor’s judgment was that the young man had absorbed the equivalent of a SEMESTER of classroom study.

Others report considerable help in the learning or appreciation of music. Television actors, among them Larry Blyden and Marilyn Erskine, have learned complete roles quickly with the aid of sleep-learning equipment. Chilean opera star Ramon Vinay not only quickly memorized a leading operatic role but also learned to sing it in perfect, accentless Italian. Equally successful results have been reported by people of various language backgrounds in learning English, again free from foreign accent.

At the Institute of Logopedics, in Wichita, Kansas, where experiments were conducted to find out whether nocturnal education could help cure speech defects, the results showed that students who heard a list of words while they were sleeping memorized and improved much faster than the control group which did not apply sleep-learning.

Numerous famous personalities have attested to the benefits of sleep-study. Alexander de Seversky eliminated his Russian accent. Rudy Vallee, Bing Crosby and Gloria Swanson have learned lines and lyrics in this way.

Perhaps the most impressive example of the retentive powers of the subconscious during sleep is that of Art Linkletter, radio and television star. Linkletter offered to test the theory by attempting to sleep-learn the most difficult language in the world-Mandarin Chinese. After sleep-studying for only ten nights, Linkletter invited the Vice Consul of China to his TV show, introduced him to the audience, and then proceeded to engage in a pleasant conversation with his guest in Mandarin Chinese. The Vice Consul’s verdict was that Linkletter was indeed conversant in the language and would be able to travel throughout China and be understood perfectly by anyone who speaks the elegant Mandarin dialect.

the more i check the more interesting it is getting

New Scientist - The World’s No.1 Science & Technology News Service

Babies learn in their sleep

Students should be jealous - not only do babies get to doze their days away, but they have also mastered the art of learning in their sleep.

By the time babies are a year old they can recognise a lot of sounds and even simple words. Marie Cheour at the University of Turku in Finland suspected they might progress this fast because they learn language while they sleep as well as when they are awake.

To test the theory, Cheour and her colleagues studied 45 newborn babies in the first few days of their lives. They exposed all the infants to an hour of Finnish vowel sounds - one that sounds like “oo”, another like “ee”, and a third boundary vowel peculiar to Finnish and similar languages that sounds like something in between. EEG recordings of the infants brains before and after the session showed that the newborns could not distinguish between the sounds.

Fifteen of the babies then went back with their mothers, while the rest were split into two sleep-study groups. One group was exposed throughout their night-time sleeping hours to the same three vowels, while the others listened to other, easier-to-distinguish vowel sounds.


When tested in the morning, and again in the evening, the babies who had heard the tricky boundary vowel all night showed brainwave activity indicating that they could now recognise this new sound. They could identify the sound even when its pitch was changed, while none of the other babies could pick out the boundary vowel at all.

Cheour doesn’t know how babies accomplish this night-time learning, but she suspects that the special ability might indicate that unlike adults, babies don’t “turn off” their cerebral cortex while they sleep. The skill probably fades in the course of the first year of life, she adds - so forget the idea that you can pick up tricky French vowels as an adult just by slipping a language tape under your pillow.

But while it may not help grown-ups, Cheour is hoping to use the sleeping hours to give remedial help to babies who are genetically at risk of language disorders.

Journal reference: Nature (vol 415, p 599) Alison Motluk

As my son turned 2 years old, he get angry easily (Terrible 2). He screamed often lie down on the floor and cried. Then, I was advised to talk to my son after he fall asleep for about 5 minutes in the positive words. Like “I am a happy boy”, “I d like to smile to everybody” something like that. Avoid using negative word like “I am not angry”–> the meaning is okay but “angry” is negative word. It quite work for my son.

I mean after he fall asleep 5 minutes and then start talking to him just for 4-5 sentences. (SOrry for my messy English)

Yeah sleep talking funny title …

Its more likely power of suggestion … and sorry to say it works only on the alpha state … shichida calls it the 5min suggestion method …

Very interesting. I will have to try this. Good information

can there be any harm? when my doughter was 2 - 8 months old, I used to watch Russian serials (I am Latvian) while she was sleeping on me. I wonder if here can be any consequences?
:smiley: :smiley:

Here is something else that works well: You can use the technique to help with unwanted behaviors and also for affirmations. I got my son to go from nursing 20 times a day to 4 times a day without crying. It also worked to get him to stop crying when we went to the gym (he had to go in the nursery) and wear his sunglasses.

Check out the link to see the book “Sleep Talk”. It is an incredible book and really works well with what most of us parents are trying to accomplish.

Does anyone know, can i use sleep talking on my 18 months old child? How do we teach our child when they are a sleep, how long should we teach and what subjects can we teach? Is there a process do we follow.

This is really interesting.

I have just bought Sophia a french cd so I can play it to her. I too hope to pick up on the french language and learn along with her.

Hi Kimba15,

I am going to play the French Pimsleur CDs for my 13 month old as she is falling asleep. I’m going to play it for myself too as I fall asleep.

I also just got the French Lil Pim DVD set for my baby which is a Pimsleur made language course. It’s kind of like YBCR but a lot more entertaining but for babies and kids. My daughter really likes it so far. I highly recommend the Pimsleur way of learning a new foreign language. It’s so easy and you learn super fast.

I’ll let you know how it goes with the sleeping thing.

Thanks LuckyLucy,

I will be very interested in how you go? I have little pim spanish which was given to me by a friend and I must admit my little girl thinks that panda is the funniest thing ever, I too am also learning something as well.

Do you have the link for the normal pimsleur website?

Who ever thought that we would be learning just as uch as our babies??


I just got in the mail the Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese so I can play to my girl at night. She is only 4 months old, so I’ll take me time to find out if it worked or not. I hope it does. I may star listening to it to, it would not hurt to learn a little bit of a third language. :smiley:

I’m very interested to hear you results!