Being the Parent

I’ve seen a lot of posts lately on tummy time. Most posts go something like this: “My son/daughter hates tummy time so we don’t do it often. What do I do?” Someone even said, “I don’t dare leave him on his tummy or he’ll get upset”

I know our parenting styles are all different, but most kids don’t come out of the womb loving tummy time!! They love to be held. My little guy loves to be attached to my breast constantly–not to eat, just to feel secure. I do make sure I hold him and cuddle him and even wear him so he knows he’s loved, but in the end children MUST be put down sometimes so they can develop!!

If you want your child to do tummy time–go for it and don’t feel bad!!

Shoot for 10x/day of 2 minutes each at first. Get on the floor, too. Lay down so he can look into your eyes. Try to put him on his tummy when he’s sleepy so he won’t protest too much. Try it when he’s wide awake and in a good mood. See if you can find a time when he’s happy on the floor.

However, he might cry a little bit–and that’s okay (with me).

We truly think tummy time is important. Our 2 month old cries for a minute after being put on the floor, but then he stops. And he’s reaping the benefits from it–he can roll over bell to back and he can crawl several feet on plain carpet, even more on the crawling track. He’s already getting up on his hands and knees and rocking in preparation for creeping!!! And he’s just barely 2 months old.

I know we all parent differently, but it’s amazing to me that people say “I know it’s good for him, but I don’t do it because he cries…”

What about when he’s 2 and he cries because he doesn’t want to brush his teeth? What about when he’s 4 and he cries because he doesn’t want to go to sleep at night?

Please don’t feel like a bad parent when your child cries for a few minutes. :yes:

good parenting dose not mean child should always be laughing or smiling. he should also get time for crying and taking dessions too in a good parenting.

its how we teach them the big world and how they should be acting there. its the teaching of manners and helping them to open their eyes on the resent activities they are faced.

parenting is the guiding that shows the path to rest of the child’s life

For babies up to around 3 months: a rolled up towel under the chest helps them lift their torso and head and makes tummy time much easier. I noticed a difference instantly with my daughter once i tried this. i would do it on the change table and massage her back. It went from lasting less than a minute to her enjoying the process !

This is one major issue in my son’s early years I wish I had been more proactive. I agree, being a good parent doesn’t mean doing what makes your child happy all the time. It means doing whats best for your child at all times. When I have another child I will be following through with tummy time. My son was delayed with crawling and walking, even talking. Maybe if I had been more insistant on tummy time he may not have had as much trouble

Well said, Texaslady. Too many parents are afraid to make decisions that are right for their kids because they want their kids to be happy all the time.

I work in a pediatric dental office and I see that all the time. Parents will actually allow there children to detemine treatment, so as not to upset them. They allow little cavites to progress to abcesses, because the child did not want the filling. Sadly its the child that suffers :frowning:

“If you want your child to do tummy time–go for it and don’t feel bad!!”

I think these are good words to represent how to be the parent! Enjoy it!!!

I agree with you marimari, My baby cried a lot when he stars tommy time. But they don’t like, that is normal. If you do not feel prepared, wait a little longer, otherwise, show him all your love, let he know you are there… texaslary22 :ohmy: