being 13 weeks pregnant i feel alone

being pregnant i feel like all my friends have forgotton about me…some times it makes me sad because some times i want to chat with them and they cut me off really fast. Or if we are on facebook ill be talking to them trying to catch up and they would sign off on me…it hurts because i miss having close friends or having any friends at all. I miss having a friend that would call me every day just to tell me gossip…its hard but i feel like im the only one that feels this way. Does any one feel this way as well? I really have no family at all so i have no one i mean no one to run to…its hard… :confused:

That is unfortunate. Becoming a parent is a new life and if many of your friends do not have children they may have difficulties understanding your new life. You are only recently pregnant, so give them awhile to adjust and they might come around. In the mean time, try seeking some new friends that are also pregnant or Mom’s. Prenatal, breastfeeding, LLL, and Mom’s group are worth exploring to see if you can find a few new friends. I hope for you this too shall pass.

You are always welcome here!
You have found BrillKids at a most opportune time…plenty of information and ideas to absorb and a wealth of new, positive friends to help you on your path
Look forward to hearing about your progress.

I’m sorry you’re feeling down khtiistle08!

Do you attend a church or other house of worship? I only ask because my church ‘family’ is often more involved in my life than my ‘real’ family.

It’s fairly common sadly :frowning:
I have a wonderful new set of friends now, most with children, all supportive of my children! My long term high school and university friends all dropped out of my life…most still haven’t had kids 8 years later! Some have probably missed the boat :frowning:
I found my friends through mums group ( they are the best!), playgroup, and the local library was good for a few too. Now I know lots of school mums too.
Having children will open so many friendship doors, once baby is out you will rarely be lonely, just make a bit of an effort to join some groups and you are laughing.
Right now…you have us! Welcome :slight_smile:
Also ask at your next antinatel/docters appointment for some help finding some pregnant friends. Tell them you are lonely and need someone your age to connect with. I think your state of mind while pregnant is quite important to your babies well being and personality! So I encourage you to be pro active and find some support. Your friends may come good but don’t rely on them too. Make some new and exciting life long friends.m

Thank you every one so much for the support! I attend collage online so finding friends is not easy, but i will talk about it with my doctor. Believe it or not but all my friends have babys some more than one but that has pushed them away more. I dont know i feel like those were just high school friends and now its time to make new ones. This website has helped me so much and has helped me connect with many other supportive mothers, i thank you all so much for all the support. I currently moved out of my state so maybe thats why i feel this way but it will pass, im trying to get to know the area more and hopefully meat new friends. Trying to stay healthy and happy can be hard because i dont have much support but this website has made me feel so much better! Thanks again every one!

Could it be that their priorities in life have changed and feel there is nothing there as friends anymore? I prefer to spend time with my own family than with my friends because that is most important to me.

Could it just be that you are taking it all the wrong way? My sister has 3 kids all under the age of 5 and sometimes she just cuts me off or makes a call so quick and I get offended like she doesn’t want me calling but I really don’t know her kids and how well she handles them or really understand how busy she is when I am not physically there to see her daily life. Having more than 1 child can be difficult to handle, they usually play up when you take the attention away from them.

You will make new friends at mothers group or talk to other parents at the park but they may never be close friends or they could turn out to be the best of your friends. Life is never boring nor when you have a child, you are always meeting someone new, even if it’s just small talk.

I know what are you saying…but the only thing I can say is “GET USE TO” now that you are starting a new life you need to move on, once your child born you will find lots of friendly moms with kids and more things on common than older friends, it feels like something has broken and it wont be the same, but this feeling will go away!
You child will fill every empty spot you have in your heart, you will be so lucky, you have no idea.

Once I got pregnant with my first child and not having family here ata ll, only my husband, I felt lonely because the friends we had went away and being honest it was better that way, they were single and without responsabilities, it meaned I had not bussiness with them anymore.

Now I needed to focus on my family and me!

No worries you are fine without them and you will be better once you get close to other moms and other families that you will find thing on common with.

Both excited to have jiaole :slight_smile:

i understand what you mean but don’t be feel alone here you have many of friends,any how what matter are with you and your friends you knew it better,don;t be depressed here is many friends for you :slight_smile:

Sometimes in life it can be hard, especially when you don’t have a lot of time to spend with them, but things will get better, they always do :slight_smile:

I’m really sorry for you. I know this can happen. I’m a father and I can fell myself sometimes out of some groups I was previously. But anyway, I also may do this while making new parents friends and perhaps not giving too much attention to old ones. But as you said is perhaps too much. I think that you are more than welcome to share your thoughts here, since there is so many subjects in this forum. It’s time to make new friends :yes:

I know the feeling…I experienced that with my closest friend (not closest anymore).

I found lots of mums groups on facebook and made friends through that…this forum definitely helps…I also made friends through the Hypnobirthing course that I did…once you have the baby then attending playgroups, fitness/yoga classes (for yourself) etc. helps in making new friends.

Undue stress or worrying about why people behave a certain way is not going to help you or the little one growing inside you. The most important thing right now is for you to feel healthy, happy and enjoy this wonderful time.

Best of Luck on this wonderful journey.


Hi and welcome to the forum.
Those who have replied are right: it will get better, so much better.
During my pregnancy I didnt feel “mummy” in any way. After she was born both me and my husband found it unbelievebly hard to cope with the changes, even though we did have some help. A few months later we adjusted and she has really made our lives worth. And along the way we found new friends too.
Good luck to you and your little one.

Cheer up!
Child is the gift form heaven^^

I got pregnant at the age of 17. I missed my period for 3 months, kept taking pregnancy tests and they ALL came up negative. Finally, 14 weeks along, one showed up positive. I guess I had low levels of the pregnancy hormone and the tests weren’t picking it up. I was very active in sports so I just assumed I wasn’t getting my period b/c of that. I know I was feeling sick. I didn’t have “morning sickness” with vomiting. I just didn’t feel right and I was very tired. I’m now 5 weeks pregnant and found out right away. It’s totally different for me this time.

I was the first out of all my friends to become pregnant at 16 years old. I had a beautiful baby boy when I 17. Things were so rough back then, more so than they are now. But that is what life is. I don’t know who of you are religious but we are and things in life are sometimes supposed to be rough so later on you count your blessings and truly appreciate them.

Now I am 21 years old, with a total of 4 children and two on the way. My husband and I are so happy and so thankful for all of our blessings especially are children. Things still are not easy, my husband works out of town and it is hard to be away from each other, more so on him because he is not only away from me, but our babies as well. Things have been tough for a while, and things are starting to look up, him being able to come home daily, moving, and other things.

Most pregnancies are very different from each other. My first, I was sick non stop for 2 months, my second with our first set of twins, no morning sickness at all and overall pretty easier until I could barely walk towards the end. my third- I was sick non-stop, always dehydrated and had tons of back and pelvic pain throughout the entire pregnancy, but labor and delivering were easier than both other pregnancies. Now pregnant with our second set of twins and I have not had any morning sickness, a little back pain but no pelvic pain and surprisingly not gaining as much weight as fast as my last pregnancy.

Life throws us all, in all sorts of directions and in craziness and happiness. But life and our life choices lead us in the direction on the path God has for us. Don’t give up and always believe!

Everything has a purpose and there is a reason for everything even though sometimes we don’t know what that reason might be :biggrin: