Beginner Chinese Lesson 1

I’m finding this video very useful for myself (it’s a bit slow for a young child, but perfect for adults & older ones I think). I’m sure many of us have been practicing alongside their children while watching Little Pim Mandarin :slight_smile:

This was very helpful. I’m trying to learn Mandarin so I can teach my little girl. Right now we are listening to Professor Parrot’s Sound Beginnings. It has a 15 min Mandarin track that we listen to every moring while getting dressed. I would like to get her Little Pim when she gets a little older. (she’s only 5 months.) But she is hearing the sounds of the language which will help her with pronunciation.
So I have a little time to practice.

I liked that they had whether you should go up or down with your voice. :slight_smile:

I came across this video while on youtube and I really liked it as well. The breakdown is nice and I like that they offer the english, pinyin and characters.

awesome!! thanks

I got Little Pim when my daughter was 8 months. A bit reluctant to put her in front of the TV, but I’m doing it for very short sessions only, while I feed her, so she does not keep her eyes on the screen at all times. This is the only TV she watches. The music is quite relaxing and the voice-over is great.

Little Pim is extremely slow for kids that are being trained with either Doman or Right Brain - tooooo slow !! I bought it- my daughter does not like it. She got bored within the first 10 minutes. I have 2 friends whose kids are 3 and 2.5 who did not like it either.

The best I have seen is see chinese demo at :

It also has an additional feature which is RightBrain_Presentation mode which basically show you all the lessons you just saw (6 per cd) at high speed just as the experts recommend - The Mandarin Characters are shown in BIG SIZE -Unique feature- and in different colors to note the different radicals and compounds and as Little Pim it uses real pictures for each word.

The last cd includes sentences where you see how they use part of the vocabulary learned. Also at the website you can find the pdf with all the words, vocabulary, their respective translations in english and the Pying !! for non-chinese students these features are a most to convey clear meaning.

Great software!! plus free international shipping.
very affordable - can’t beat this one.

Hope this helps.


Hi Gloria
I saw a sample of WTL a few months back but all I could see were individual words being flashed on the screen. I then figured I could always flash those from a Power Point file for instance, and wanted to buy a DVD with whole sentences. I like that I can leave Little Pim playing in the background; even if she does not watch, she can hear sentences being pronounced.
Can you confirm that Wink to learn are just individual words? I might be wrong…

We just started with WTL this week. As such, we are only on the first DVD, but I have skimmed through the booklet that is given with the DVD set that describes the plan of presentation. It looks like on the later DVDs or the last one, sentences are included. We’re working on animals right now, “duck, pic, horse, bird, rabbit, cat, and etc.” It goes through each word twice with the Chinese character. At the end it goes through a short, relaxing song with pictures like scenes of birds or of Beijing. Next week, we will start on body parts.

We have the WTL singing DVD also. That has complete sentences! :slight_smile:

How about Little Pim for someone without Doman program and taking it as a third language. Native spanish, conversation, reading and watching english programs and starting Chinese with nothing else but Little Pim. Will it be too slow for him?

What age is your daughter now and how far into the progrma is she. I undersand there are 3 DVDs?
Do you have someone aroun her that also speaks spanish?
How about you?
What is her native language and is she hearing any other language?

I’m actually teaching (exposing) my daughter to Mandarin as third language. Her native language is English and I’m teaching her Spanish. She has been watching Little Pim for about 3 weeks and she loves it! I"m doing following Doman method for reading and math it she seems to do fine. I think every child is different. I have also been looking into WTL, so with the good recommendations it may be my next purchase.

I was looking at their website and it looks like a great program for older kids. Saved the bookmark :laugh: I like that the teach it as a game. It is kind of pricy though.

very helpful, thank you for the post – it’s been very helpful as we’ve begun the Little Pim Mandarin series.

How old is your child, what is your native language and what other languages has he been exposed to?