Bedtime - when does your toddler go to bed at night?

As of late, my almost 2.5 year old has been falling asleep at around 9:30/9:45 pm. He naps from about 2-4:00 daily. What time do your toddlers go to bed? Would you suggest loosing the afternoon nap at this point?

My son goes to bed about the same time as yours. During the week I try to have him in bed by 9:45, and on the weekends I let him stay up until 10. He will easily nap for 2 hours during the day.

My 32 month old goes to bed about midnight, wakes up around 9am. Thankfully she is now sleeping straight through for those 9 hours! She doesn’t nap during day, but we do try to do a quiet/reading time for an hour in the late afternoon around 4 o’clock. I like that we have settled into at least somewhat of a schedule, the hours may seem odd for lots of families, but it seems to work for my daughter.

my son is 3yrs 5 months old . He goes to bed by 7:45 pm and gets up by 6:30 am. He does not take nap during day & is very active. he stopped taking naps when he was 3. I don’t find any harm in his routine. actually we have more time to do different activities.

My youngest son, 20 months, goes to bed at 8:00 and wakes at 8:30. He takes a nap after lunch for 2.5 - 3 hours.

All three of my kids had this schedule. My daughter 3.5 years old still has this schedule(she might wake in the morning a half hour before the baby), including the nap (and she takes a solid nap). I will drop the nap for her sometime in the next year or so, whenever she naturally gives it up.

Hope this helps

My 4year old son still takes a nap in the afternoon. He sleeps at 9:30pm and wakes up at 7:30pm. I will continue this routine until he goes to big school next year. I think the naps help him recharge and be alert when I read books to him at night.

My daughter takes a 1 hour +/- nap in the afternoon around 2-3pm and is usually in bed between 8.30/9pm and wakes up around 8.30/9am. Uusally I have to check to see if she is sleeping because my daughter has a habit of being quiet and having me fooled thinking she is asleep. I don’t have a routine, I just go with the flow but she is normally tired around the same time everyday. If I have somehing planned, I will adjust it so she is fine for the occassion but apart from that, I’m happy with how mine is as she is getting the recommended hours of sleep. I wouldn’t worry about dropping your childs afternoon nap unless you have it conflicting with your schedules, if you have one.

My 28 month old goes to bed at 10.30 (she usually needs 30mins to an hour to fall asleep), wakes up at 8.30. She will take her nap around 2pm for 1.5-2hrs. She has lately reduced her nap to 1-1.5hrs and will sometimes protest to take nap. I have no intention to drop her nap as it helps to recharge and is defiantely alot more alert when doing other activites in the later part of the day.

My 2.5 goes to bed between 9-10 pm and she gets up at 8:00 am.

Seems like we are a little bit different than most. Our 21mo goes to bed at around 7pm, and is usually up around 6:30-7am. He takes around a 1 hour nap in the afternoon. Have you thought of trying to just shorten the nap a bit, instead of cutting it out completely to see if that helps get an earlier bedtime?

We have a 7:30pm bedtime here. Our children get up around 7 am no matter what time they go to bed. They usually fall asleep in less than 5 minutes of getting in bed.

My 29 months old son goes to bed between 830-930pm and wakes up at 630-7am. He takes long time to fall asleep.
He will nap about 2-3hrs everyday. I think at this age, a nap is still necessary.

Wow…2-3 hours nap…That is what I call You are a lucky one! lol

We have a 7:30pm bed time regardless of what is going on during the week she is in bed at 7:30 and has a nap between 12-2 and can be as short as 1hr or as long as 3hrs

I see there are a lot of differente schedules working for each kid.
My grandson goes to preschool so he gets up at 7-7:30 and goes to be 8:30 - 9.00 pm.
That if he had no nap time.

Our son has a funny sleeping habit. He currently has exactly nine and a half hours of sleep in a twenty four hour period. This can be broken down into many different schedules but it always amounts to the same amount. (We’re - in particular he is - much happier now that we’re ignoring the supposed sleep specialists and letting his natural body rhythm take over).

If he naps in the day (for around two hours) he will go to bed at 1am and rise at 8:30. If he hasn’t had his nap he will go to bed at around 11pm and get up at 8:30.

We don’t force the nap issue if he needs it he has it, if he doesn’t oh well no break for Mummy today!

We are lucky that are lifestyle can handle this but even so it gets exhausting.