Baby's mind capacity

i’m confused, am I supposed to learn my baby how to read “by any way flash cards, multisensory method …etc”, to learn him singing and to learn him playing with his toys. Does his mind can be large or wide enough to take in all of this specially he is 5 months now & if yes? does it need to do a daily program or schedule to organize it?

Think of your child’s mind as an empty hard drive to a computer.

They will take in only as much as they can handle at one time and then they will give you the signal that they are not interested.

Follow your child’s lead, and use your instincts as far as how much and how often.

As an example from birth my son did - reading, japanese, chinese, french, german, music, drums. He now also does Spanish, Italian, maths, science, acrobatics, tap dancing, karate, bass guitar, guitar. Between these lessons he does as much independent play as possible and spends as much time outside as possible.

Short lessons are all you need - I do no longer than a minute for flash card sessions.

He will never be as capable as learning as he is now.

I hope this helps.

sure it helps, you also calmed me down :closedeyes:
I was worried that this could be over his mind capacity so he can be brainstormed and learn nothing, as he sometimes react with what i’m doing by laughing, humming or kicking and sometimes he didn’t look for me and look around, at this time i didn’t know wether he is concentrating by listening only or he didn’t give attention to me at all.
Now, every time I sing “Heads, Shoulders, Knees & Toes” he laugh & love it. Am I supposed to wait for a reaction from him to try to sing with me even by humming or not yet ?

thanks, TmS and well wishing for your child to learn more.

No worries Nesrin.

Try to approach your lessons without a planned outcome. It doesn’t matter what he retains you are developing new pathways in the brain and making sure they are used enough to hang around. Anything he retains is a bonus.

Use the time to bond, enjoy his laughter and let him react and join in however he naturally wants to.

It will take the pressure off you and he will still learn the same. Just be patient some parents have to wait until their children are two or three before they start to show that they have learned everything that has been passed on to them.

Take it easy.

If he’s laughing and giggling you’re doing everything you should be :wink: