babybrain DVD: which one to show first? Left or right brain program?


I just received “baby brain workout flashcards”. They have both left and right brain program available with same information. For example, content of right brain program is exactly same as left brain program,just present each flashcard faster. They have each 20-day program that assigns same material each day.

I am thinking about showing,for example, Left brain program in the morning and Right brain program in the afternoon for the same content or vice versa. Anybody can advise me about this topic?

Thanks a lot.

I don’t now that program, can you pass me the site for give a little look???


Company website says:

While you may not see how your children can pick up the fast images, scientists have proven that amazingly, the brain picks up images, even though the eyes may not register them. Similarly, the faster “chipmunk” voice may seem impossible to comprehend but be assured that this form of stimulation mainly aims to “open up” the right brain. Once the brain is stimulated, left brain learning becomes effortless. Thus, the right brain complements the left brain in learning when brain circuits are stimulated and connections are formed.

Does it mean that show right brain program (which is 1 second per flash card) first and left brain program later (although not right away, I guess) in a same day is better?

They say under the right brain program subject:

They are not meant to memorise the flashcards this way so it is not advisable to repeat the same show twice in a row.

So I guess they are meaning not to show right brain program twice in a row. But Isn’t it better to show right and left program in a same day with some time between? instead of,for example, finishing right brain program for 20 days and then completing left program for 20 days after that? :wacko:


Well, I read like 4 books of Doman, and… I think will work better if you show around 3 times the left and 3 the right, but, show one for time. I hope that help you a little…

Don’t they have instructions on the case or the site or to play on the DVD?

it says in DVD, twice daily for the left brain program, one in the morning and the other after the nap.

For right brain program, not more than 3 times daily. Other than that I don’t find any information on this matter. I e-mailed them about this question now. I am just wondering how other mother’s experience are about this or anybody know whether some research is done about this.

Thanks, deisi for the reply. These DVDs show photo with the name on the bottom while speak name of the object.

My question is whether to show right brain program first to stimulate brain and then show left brain program to learn or

show left brain program which baby can see the photo for what it is first and then show right program to reinforce that concept later.

Or maybe it doesn’t matter???


Sorry about my misunderstanding.

I just want to clarify that “day 1 Left brain program” & “day 1 right brain program” are different not only in speed but also in contents. But If you finish 20-day program for each program,your child would see same contents at the end.

I like this way better. :slight_smile: “Emma’s mom” is the mom of the girl who can read at 2 years in their testimony. I asked her about this mom’s method.

Anyway, this is the e- mail response that I got from Michelle from babybrain workout flashcards.

I am pleased to be able to help with your queries. Here are my answers:

  1. Emma’s mom actually chose to show left and right brain programs on separate days. So her schedule would go like this:

1st day - left brain, day 1
2nd day - right brain, day 1
3rd day - left brain, day 2
4th day - right brain, day 2
… and so on and so forth.

There is no right or wrong way - the important thing is consistency. As long as the parent is consistent in his/ her approach, it does not matter which program goes first or if they are shown together.

  1. It is up to you which program (left or right) to start first - if you are showing both programs on the same day, you can start with left brain first on the 1st day and then start with right brain on the 2nd day - just to see if there’s any difference on your child. Most children prefer the right brain program because it sounds cartoonish (like chipmunks), so it depends on your child. But research shows that the younger you start your child, the easier for them to adapt to the training.

  2. Yes, if your child shows interest in musical instruments for example, do not show the next day’s program on that same day but you can show the individual subject (in this case, musical instruments) for your child after the day’s program as a reward. You don’t have to let your child watch the individual subjects if she/ he does not show interest in that particular subject - the reason is because all flashcards have been shuffled into the 20 days’ programs. So as long as you follow the program, your child will be subjected to all flashcards eventually.

All the best in a good start for your child! We welcome testimonies - hope to hear from you again soon.

Michelle Tiang