Baby Z 9 month update

Well Baby Z is 9 months old now! We have developed a pretty good routine. And I have to say, compared to teaching a toddler/preschooler. Infants are so much easier for me. Why? Because I’m not tempted to test Baby Z. I know he can’t answer me verbally, so I just keep exposing him to as much info as possible.
Currently we use:

Little Math- Baby Z has been doing a full lesson(2 sessions) twice a day and 1 group of addition or subtraction. But now with the new LM v2 I find there is WAY too much equations in one session. So he usually loses interest. But I’m offering him snacks and I keep playing the whole lesson knowing that he will absorb what he wants and eventually build up the attention span to watch the whole thing.

Little Reader(ipad)- We are on Lesson 81.

Little Musician- Baby Z LOVES this program. As soon as he hears the program start he smiles ear from ear and dances in his highchair. This is something new for us. We were gifted a subscription from a wonderful friend and I have to say I really like it. We are trying to go through the Children Flash Card sets. I should him 5-6 presentations 5 days a week. We are not repeating the presentations right now. For us this is strictly right brain stimuli.

TeachingmyToddlers Youtube playlist ( : If you haven’t checked this out, you should. TmT has done a wonderful job organizing Youtube videos into categories. As most people who follow my blog know I run a home daycare, and we often use the Music playlist or the Skip Counting playlist after lunch while I’m tiding up lunch dishes.

Sparkabilities Babies 2: Baby Z lands up rolling and trying to crawl while watching this video.

the Miracle MusicMath System CDs: We are on disc 2. I try to play this during nap time.

MonkiSee Videos: We spent last month watching the On the Farm video(review to come) and now we are working on Colors so we have moved on to the All About Color dvds.

Preschool Prep Colors: This is just something I play in the background. My daycare kiddos really like it.

Tweedlewink: We have gone through the whole series once. Now we are watching each lesson once a day for 5 days.

Wink TO Learn Speak and Read English: We are following the program following the tips for 12 months and under. We are almost complete our second round of Level 1 and should be starting Level 2 next month.

With TW and WTL I have placed an index card in each of the DVD cases and I check off each lesson after its completed. This way if I fall of the wagon so to speak and miss a few days cough a week I can just pick up right where we left off. I found this technique really helps keep me motivated. I wish I had thought about doing this with my oldest when he was doing these lessons.

Reading Challenge: Honestly I will be SHOCKED if we make the 2013 goal. But right now I think we are sitting at 88 books read. I’m hoping as he becomes older he will want to read more. BUt I’m not feeling to guilty about this because I’m ashamed to say when my oldest was a baby I did not read to him that much. So this challenge is helping me, whether we make the goal or not. He can usually sit for 2 or three short stories then we are done. I need to go out to Kizudo home town and hit up their wonderful thrift store for some more books. And of course coffee with her too :slight_smile: We have a huge home library, but I really need a larger selection of short books.

Physically those who have been following us know Baby Z had a bit of difficulty with tummy time and such due to his head being in the 97th percentile and his body being in the 3rd. Good news is he is now able to get from sitting position to crawling position. He has been doing a mix of half crawl, half rolling to move around. So I know in the near future he will be full force crawling. I know this is not Doman impressive, but considering a few months ago he had little control over that big noggin of his, we are very proud.

When I write this all out, it looks like a lot. But really, it does not take up much of our day. We are not consistent every day, but we are doing pretty good. Some days I don’t think I’m doing enough. I’d like to be more religious with the physical flashcards,etc. But I do what I can do and I know its more then a lot of little ones I know are getting.

I recently purchased an Ergo baby carrier and OMGoodness it has helped me so much. He spends a lot of time now riding on my back. I can keep him happy and keep my household in some kind of order. Attachment/Natural parenting has helped me so much. I’m less focused on how much is he sleeping, how much is he eating. And I’m able to enjoy his babyhood.

woowww…So happy to know of your routines and how the baby is doing.:smiley:
its a great opportunity to others when you share what you have experienced. i m thrilled to say that i actually loved reading about you guys.and would love to hear from you more in the future…keep up the good work… :smiley:

Good luck and best wishes in the future :slight_smile:

You guys are doing awesome! And thanks for the shout out. If anyone ever has any “requests” for new playlists, let me know and I will add them. :slight_smile: I started I doing this just a short while ago and would like to keep it growing. But PM me, rather than derail WaterDreamer’s fantastic thread. :smiley:

WAY TO GO BABY Z! You the man! lol