Baby wearing -- free patterns for making your own baby carriers!

Here is a link to free patterns for making your own baby carriers. Some are very simple and do not require much experience. Babywearing is an excellent way to include baby in your activities and have “lessons on the go”, while you are taking care of different things around the house. It has lots of benefits to early learning.

cool thank you!

I was all over her site when my son was born three years ago. It’s wonderful and well-organized. Much of that stuff I had only seen on the internet (I live in the midwest), but now I’m starting to see patterns for slings in mainstream pattern books like McCall’s. Not that I don’t prefer free, and honestly, the patterns aren’t necessary once you understand the instructions, but it’s nice to see that the concepts are catching on.

One of the tricky things about making baby carriers to to select a suitable fabric. Too light, and you jeopardize your baby with not enough support. Too heavy and the sling is too hot, or doesn’t give enough to make the baby comfortable. My child hated the sling I made him–it didn’t stretch or give, and he could never get into a comfortable position, and was hot besides.

I finally used a long yardage of fabric that is gauzy, but tough enough to make a MOBY type wrap. He was okay with that, but when I vacuumed with him on my back, I didn’t realize that he was leaning around me to see better, and I whacked him on the head as I went through a doorway. Poor little one!

So be careful, as head injuries are not conducive to early learning. (Although I learned to be more careful.)