Baby swallowed cherry seed


My 23 month old son accidentally swallowed cherry seed last night, he looks normal and it doesn’t seem to have bothered him. I was thinking that it will come out naturally and there won’t be any problem, but he didn’t poop today. I’m bit concerned about this now. I browsed through internet and some says it may be poisonous. Anyone have any idea about this? Pls help.


Call an advice nurse or go into the ER. If you think anything is wrong, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Lol. Cliche but true.

We called our ped and she said it will come out naturally. Hope it comes out without a problem. :confused:

Hey, funny, my dd swallowed one today. She seemed fine, so here is hoping everything is o.k.

Hope everything is going OK.
That reminds us that we have to be 100% aware of what our child is doing but somtimes it is impossible.
Keep us posted.

Thanks all. Yeah! He is perfectly fine now and it came out. lol .