baby sign language

i teach my son baby sign language since he was 1year old.and he learn i’m trying to find more sign language so i can teach him there anyone know where to find it?because so little information that i found in a few websites.i might not find the right please please if there are any info about baby sign lang, i’ll be thankful.


I would check out They are a great resource! My 1 yr old loves the videos, which I believe you can still get a discount through Little Reader.

Anyway, their site is very useful. It has a few games and printable activities all about signing. They also have a forum that you can get on and ask specific questions.

Good Luck!

Here are some links to other threads on the forum that may help. As Sb1201 said, signing time is a great series (especially baby signing time). My son loves them!


its great you are doing this. I did sign for my baby and its been working. She can tell me when she is hungry, wants to play. It works so please continue doing it.

my baby really benefitted from this. Just a caution dont go overboard. Teach them essential signs like hunger, sleep, hurt but not every word. teaching too much actually impairs their ability to talk bcoz they are only signing.

good luck

I disagree. It has been found that babies who sign turn out to have a bigger spoken vocabulary.

i agree they do have bigger spoken vocabulary

Checkout your library mine has videos.

In case you didn’t realize, you can get discounts to Signing Time products here:

I have found a couple sites using asl:

This site is meant to help babies sign:

Thanks for sharing. Great site and useful for parents who have babies.
Good day. Off to prepare lunch for school.

I have just found this site and hoped to share.

I don’t know if you can, but maybe you could blow them up and turn them in to flash cards?

thank you all.flash card?i don’t try it yet.because my baby is very fast learner.he just learn how to ask me to brush his teeth two days ago.amazing…!

I was looking for more ways to teach signing to my daughter. The website has a dictionary. Just look up any word you want to know. Whatever is not there ,you just finger spell. I have been spelling out all the words I sign to my daughter. I think it is just another thing they can conquer at a young age. I first sign juice, then we finger spell it. I learned so many new words from that site. It took our signing to a new level.

Dear All,

For those who are unfamiliar with teaching signing, please refer to:

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:


Just to let you know, like there a different languages in the world there are also variations in sign language. For example American Sign Language and Australian Sign language are 2 different systems. American Sign Language is based on the french system of sign language (one handed System) Where Australian Sign LAnguage is based on the british (two hand system). Just make sure that the system that you teach your child corralates to the system that your country uses, otherwise if your child tries to communicate with another person using a different form of sign language he/she will not be understood. If your country does not have a system always default to the american system because more countries use the one handed french system over the two handed british system.

I hope this helpful.


Thank you all for the great resources. I have taught both of my sons sign since they were born. My toddler uses sign all the time but he also began speaking in a complete sentence since he was around 10 months old. I mean a complete sentence. So I know for a fact that using flashcards, sign books really work. We are working on his pronounciation of his words now. Now when we throw things away he signs all gone, when he needs to go potty he signs diaper. (We are working on potty training) I also made posters of pictures of the sign. There is a book that I used to make copies that we hung up in his room, but I used black and white instead of colors.
My First Signs by Child’s Play illustrated by Annie Kubler.
This is a great book illustrating babies signing. It is bright and colorful. My son loves this book.

hi thanks the links were very useful will start signing with my kid.

Look on ebay… sometimes you have to go into online stores to find baby sign dvs and videos. I use Baby see n sign dvds, My baby can talk (first signs, sharing signs). Azaria really pays attention to these. She’s nearly 16 months and so far only signs more, ball, hat and shoes… but it will probably snowball from here. I am happy for her to learn one hand and 2 hand method, and baby signs which are modified so might not be understood by a deaf person anyway. I’m teaching her for her sake, not for the sake of communicating with the deaf. As she gets older, then she can learn “proper sign language” to be understood by deaf people. I know a lady who has a downs syndrome child, nearly 3, who is learning Makaton sign, which is taught in Australia to kids with intellectual disabilities.

Hi All,

The Library has been my best friend and I borrowed books and DVDs to teach signing. I also used YouTube. There’s a great bunch of videos by SmartHandsCA that show her and her baby signing. I learned so many signs from her since they were convenient and cute to watch.

Since I wasn’t trying to actually get him fluent in ASL, I used ASL as a guide along with taking cues from my son. We signed ‘bug’ ‘diaper change’ ‘stinky’ ‘nite-nite’ & ‘I love you’ based on my son’s cues, not ASL. Most other words were ASL based. I ended up teaching him about 55 words in sign. My son was a very early talker and speaks quite clearly for a 20month old. Yet I’m still so happy he knows sign. When he’s very frustrated, it’s can be difficult for him to get the word out, so he may quickly do a sign to tell me what he wants.

Here were some of the signs we taught:
All Done
Thank you
Simple Foods (cheese, cheerios, fish, cereal, cracker, apple, banana)
Hat (He would tell me everytime he saw someone with a hat (or a baby!) anytime we were out. It was so much fun to see what he was observing!)
Baby (Same thing as hat!)
Mommy (funny story about this. I tried to teach him the ASL sign. During this time I was also teaching him that my name was Mommy. So I would put my hand on my chest and say “Mommy”, then point to him and say “Your name is Jonathan”. My son started using his Hand on his chest as the sign for Mommy. HA!)
Cold (used the sign for cold followed by the sign for milk to differentiate between Cow Milk and Mommy Milk)
Diaper Change
Help (one of the best signs I taught him!)
Then things he liked around the house and outside (light, ceiling fan, tree, book, bird, various animals etc)

I honestly believe that my constant talking to my son and teaching him signs are directly related to his early talking and large vocabulary. I think that early signing taught him very early that things had names and he could communicate by using them. Best of luck to you in your teaching!