Share your ideas for a baby shower so that others can use it. Since I started it, I will go first. The best baby shower I organized was for my friend. They didn’t find out the sex of the baby so we didn’t have a particular theme. Here’s the list of games we played
Guess Mom’s Tummy Size with toilet paper. each woman pull the toilet paper, making sure it doesn’t break, if it breaks their turn is over to the size they believe would fit perfectly around the Mother-To-Be’s center of her pregnant tummy. After everyone cuts their TP, compare the results to the Mommy-To-Be’s actual tummy. Give a prize to the woman who is the most close.
Never say “Baby” or Cross your legs when sitting: (Materials- baby safety pins). Give each women 1 or 2 safety pins when she gets to the party. The rules for this baby shower game are given out at the beginning of the baby shower that whenever someone says the word “baby” during the shower, any woman who calls it out gets a pin from the other woman who stated the word. Same thing if someone spots you crossing your legs, you have to give away your pin. If you collected say 10 pins and you said the word baby and some one catches you, you let go of all your 10 pins. I know. I lost mine towards the end at 25 pins . At the end of the baby shower, the woman with the most pins wins a prize.
How Many Baby Items Can You Name: (Materials- pad of paper and pen for each woman). Have each woman write down as many baby products as they can name (bottle, blanket, pacifier, etc) within 5 minutes. Sure it is easy at the beginning, but towards the last few minutes, the women will start racking their brains for more Give a prize to the woman who gets the most baby products named!
I made a diaper cake as a present. We had the guest guess the number of diapers.
We wrote the Mom’s and Dad’s First name on the top and had guests come up with ideas for names using the letters from their names only.
Bingo - everyone gets a 4x4 grid and writes down items they think that the new mom will get as a gift (they can’t write down their gift item). Then, as she opens presents they can cross off the item on their bingo sheet. 4 in a row wins a little prize. This gives the guests something to do while they’re waiting - sometimes gift opening can be pretty boring.
Multi-task - the new mom (better if baby hasn’t been born yet) and a willing guest compete against each other to complete all their tasks first. Each “mom” gets a 10lb bag of flour (optional: dress one bag in a little pink dress, the other in a little blue outfit) that must be held on their lap/carried throughout the entire game. Tasks: Each sitting on their own chair they must hold a phone between their shoulder and ear and read a recipe accurately WHILE folding a laundry basket half full of clothes. First person done both without dropping baby gets a prize. As an extra - all my guests had nametags with a baby sock pinned to it. Each mom’s laundry basket had one lonely sock. They had to take that sock around the room to find the matching sock - checking everyone’s nametag to see if they had the sock’s partner. Then the winner mom and the matching sock mom would get a prize.
Break into groups and each group gets a roll of toilet paper. One person is selected in the group and you diaper that person. Best diaper job wins! The person getting diapered can’t move much or the toilet paper will rip. It is funny.
My friends and I used this for organizing a friend’s shower, and it turned out to be such a hit. This game is a shower classic for a reason: It engages the guests in the gift-opening!
As the mom-to-be opens the gifts, guests mark off the gifts on their cards.
Whoever gets a complete horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row complete first is the winner.
Give the winner an inexpensive gift card to iTunes, Barnes & Noble, or Crate & Barrel – or, since babies, hubbies and home pursuits have probably been the topics of the day, a copy of Nigella Lawson’s How to Be a Domestic Goddess: Baking and the Art of Comfort Cooking.
For my babyshower my friends had a tray with all kinds of baby products and just went in front of all the guests very quickly. Each person had a piece of paper and a pen and the person that had the most number of items written down won. Of course, back then I didn’t have a clue of half of the stuff that was on the tray.
In my country it´s called “Baby Tea”, and we meet in the mommy´s house, take along gifts from a list specifically for each person, the mommy try to guess the gift if she doesn´t guess she has to make something funny to enjoy the people there. The aim of this, it´s to get and recieve as many things wore by the mommy in the everyday baby´s life and to celebrate a new baby that is coming.
For prizes, I’ve used both products, boxes of chocolates, candle sets, etc. You could use gift certificates for a coffee shop restaurant, or spa (depending on your budget).
I love the ideas here. I especially like the idea with the bingo. On the next baby shower I will definitely suggest to play baby shower bingo. The last time I have been to a baby shower I brought some gifts for the baby and additionally a huge hamper for her. She absolutely loved it.
Wow ladies, lots of wonderful ideas! Where was this forum three years ago when I had my son
I found a really interesting, funny and clever story online called “the Rights”. I always had 3-4 gifts (just in case there was a tie for one of my games) and had one lady start with the gift. you read the story which is filled with “rights” and “lefts” and every time you say it the gift gets passed in that direction. at the end of the story the holder of the gift gets to keep it. very funny
As far as gifts I often did little gift bags with memo paper, chapstick, infusers, candles, things like that
Baby shower themes helps to make party full of fun and entrainment. Some of the best baby show themes are Baby Diaper Cake, Book shower, Winnie the pooh, Gift Basket, Baby Shower cake, Stork and Harvest Moon.
ive been to a few baby showers and the games that are played the most:
potato: all needed is a cup and a potato, what you need to do is put the potato in between you knees and walk a certain distance if you drop the potato you lose or if you make it to the cup but the cup tilts you lose, if you make it all the way to the cup and are able to put the potato in the cup with out using your hands and the cup doesn’t tilt you win.
cotton balls: need a plate, a big spoon, lots of cotton balls, and a blind fold. what you need to do is but the blind fold on so you aren’t able to see absolutely anything, put the plate on you head and with the spoon try to pick up as many cotton balls as you can with only three lifts, who ever has the most cottons wins.
rice/pins: you need rice and safety pins. you need to mix the rice and safety pins in a bowl with one hand grab as much rice as you can, count how many pins you grabbed and who ever gets the most pins wins.
oh god I have so many games in mind but I would bore all of you if I had to write everything down