Baby Refusing to stay attentive more than 2 mins

Hi, I’m new to this. Jus bought the package last friday and started on my boy for 4 days. Today is the 4th day and he still seems easily distracted. Anyone has this problem before? How can I help him. Tried to carry him back, drag him… leave him alone awhile… nothing seems to catch he attention back after 2 mins of playing…

Hi there-

Just to clarify, do you mean in regards to Little Reader/Little Math/Little Musician? Try showing him at a mealtime or snack time. He may miss a few while looking down and picking up food, but lots of parents use this method. It’s what words for my kids, I use to show them while they were in highchairs but they are bigger now, so they sit in regular chairs. You can also try to add in some custom pictures into the programs to increase his interest level. Let us know if you need any help doing so!

I see… as I’m a working mum. I may nt be with him at every meal time. But maybe I can try to customised…Havent been trying out the software myself :smiley:

Thanks for the help!

I was getting very frustrated with this. The thing that has done wonders for us – Being excited and interested myself. If it is on the computer I watch it like it is the greatest thing. He imitates and then gets interested himself. If it is on printed flashcards I pick him up and hug him, clap, and get excited every few cards.
I am trying to train him to focus. After that, we can work on content.
Doman talks about this in his books. Be enthusiastic, stop before they want to stop. If you only show 2 cards with the baby focused and happy, you have accomplished more than showing 10 with wandering attention.

When my son was about 8 months old I was having trouble keeping his attention during LM. So every time he was in the swing swinging at the park I would say Wheeeeeeeeeee Math Lessons are soooo much FUN. And i would shout out numbers. Followed with a lot of tickles and kisses. Then we when would start the LM lessons I would hold him and move him in a swinging motion and repeat my chant. I would do this I between each section of the lesson. He ended up picking up on numbers a lot quicker than words and letters. And to this day lessons are equivalent to him as a day at the water park.

If you were all day, it must be very frustrating to come home tired, and try to fit in his lessons. Especially if you have a limited time period to get it done!

But I completely agree that it will be YOUR enthusiasm that interests him! Hold him in your lap, bounce him, big happy smiles, WAAYYY over the top. Make it time together for cuddles, kisses, happy dances, high fives, hey look, this is one of Mommy’s favorite times of the day!
BIGGEST THING- don’t get upset, don’t force him to sit there if he gets upset and is actively trying to get away, no guilt–you might try something like, oh, okay, you go ahead and play but mommy is going to do this! Then proceed to have ecstatic, loud, happy fun with it lol This always had my LO running back, BUT I WANT TO DO IT MOMMY!!!

We suggested to my daughter that her poor stuffed pet hen (no Teddy bears for her lol ) could not read, and wouldn’t she like to be the teacher so that her poor friend could learn? She still loves to do this, even though the other day when I mentioned teaching something to hen, she gave me ‘a look’ and said to daddy, “mommy is being facetious, but that’s okay…it’s fun to pretend!”

One other thing. Are you doing lessons in a room full of his toys? It might be helpful to be further away from them. Do you have an IPad or a laptop? We do some of our lessons during our bedtime routine, cuddled in mom and dads bed, and she seems so much more receptive during this time.

Hope this helps a bit, and good luck finding a schedule that works for you! Keep us updated…


Yeah!!! I can understand your situation…even I have same problem with my son…but after having experience of 2-3 rounds now I handle this situation very easily…