Baby Plus

Anyone here used Baby Plus and if so what are your thoughts on it? My sister is pregnant and I thought it would be a neat gift to get her. I would love to hear other’s thoughts on it.


I used it throughout my pregnancy with my son. He was born 6 weeks early. They said he would need to spend over a month in NICU and he got out in 2 weeks. He was crawling across the room at 4.5 months. He had some problems, but I think without BabyPlus he may have had more.

I’m due any day now and I’ve used BabyPlus again this pregnancy. I can’t guarantee it helps, but at least it gives the baby SOMETHING to do and the claims make sense. So I’m using it–can’t hurt!!

Thanks for the info. Good luck with the new baby and I would love to hear how you are doing. I thought the claims made a lot of sense and it certainly can’t hurt. :slight_smile:

I used it somewhat sporadically thru my last pregnancy. Not much. Annoying drumbeats. My 5th baby had some physical issues to do with not moving in the womb, so was very floppy and so forth…muscle wastage. She’s 7 months and nearly crawling. My others crawled at 6 months, but she’s made huge progress. My other babies were more clingy, either having a dummy or thumb to suck on for at least 2 years. And sleeping with me in my bed. This baby… NO comforters needed. Doesnt want to suck on anything. Happy to sleep all night in her own cot (while 26.5 month old sister still ends up in my bed each night, crying for her dummy and a bottle…like to be a baby!!). She always was a different child I thought. The lack of interest in sucking struck me from day one. (Not great for feeding though. Meant feeding less way more often!). I feel she’ll be the most intelligent one, because she’ll have nothing to hinder her speech development. It’s like she’s mature and responsible…able to keep herself occupied. Like she isnt a baby.
There is a thread in the prenatal section on this. I asked someone…she said her baby held her own bottle from 2 weeks old. Mine had strength issues but is quite capable of holding her bottle now, though I dont let her self-feed. It’s a nice cuddling time.

That is very interesting, Nikita. I will look for the thread. I think it seems intriguing and I would be curious to see the difference it would make for her. This is her 7th baby so she has the other 6 to go by. :slight_smile:

I used it, and I can’t really say it did anything. Who really knows? My son was always very clingy and needy as a baby, and he has a speech delay (I’m sure that was the result of his traumatic birth). He is smart in other areas, but I really can’t say that BP did what they claim it does.

I used it throughout my pregnancy. I am not sure is the babyplus, but from day 1 my son is pretty alert and his concentration is pretty good too on books and loves to listen to me read to him again and again.But maybe that’s because everynight i read to him. He does not like to suck on anything. He self soothe himself most of the time. But his motor skills is not as good though. I am not sure is the effect of Babyplus or any effect at all.

A friend of mine used it and she recomends to everyone.

I started using Baby Plus when i was 17 weeks pregnant. People have commented that he is a very alert baby with clear bright eyes. When he was just out for mummy’s womb he opened his eyes round and big. Friends who looked at his just born photo thought that he’s a few days old.

nikita, so you would say it is worth trying Baby Plus? My daughter is 16 weeks pregnant so i just have time to order it.
Do you or anyone found the thread you mention?
Sometimes i do not beleive testimonials to be true but i coming from this forum it gives us more garantee.

Can anyone explain if you select different sound and how do they differ one another?
Or is it only the speed at which they are heard?